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Thomas Leduc

Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL thomas-leduc
  • ResearcherId : H-2228-2011
  • ORCID 0000-0002-5728-9787
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  • IdRef : 053495098
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Thomas Leduc is a CNRS research engineer (IRHC) at Nantes Université, [School of Architecture of Nantes](, [UMR 1563 AAU]( laboratory, [Team CRENAU]( An applied mathematician by training, he holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (now renamed Sorbonne University). His research is devoted to understanding urban forms and spatial dynamics, with a particular focus on forms captured or experienced by the pedestrian through visibilities in particular. This understanding embraces various registers of form analysis including landscape, bioclimatic, layout, or interrelationships between components of the urban fabric. ### Main skills and activities - Organization of the "[*3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models*]( "3u3d2012")" international conference (the final conference of the European Cost Action TU0801), Oct. 2012 - The book of proceedings has been printed and published (it is also available online) - Organization of the CNRS thematic school “See or being seen… or not 2017”, Oct. 2017 ([for further information]( - Organization of the 8th Digital Architectural Design Seminar ([SCAN'18 - 8e séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique]( "")), Oct. 2018 - The book of proceedings has been printed and published (it is also available online) - Occasional reviewer in Journals: [Building and Environment](; [Computers, Environment and Urban Systems]( (CEUS); [Energy and Buildings](; [Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science]( (EPB); [International Journal of Geographical Information Science]( (IJGIS); [Journal of Urban Design]( (JUD) ; [Revue Internationale de Géomatique]( (RIG); [Ambiances, Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain]( - Member of the [French Network in Geomatics MAGIS](, member of the [International Ambiances Network]( ### Main appointments - January 2014 - December 2018: Adjunct Director of AAU Laboratory (CNRS / Centrale Nantes / Schools of Architecture of Grenoble and Nantes, France) - January 2015 - December 2018: Head of Team CRENAU (AAU Lab. - School of Architecture of Nantes, France) - January 2014 - December 2014: Head of Team CERMA (AAU Lab. - School of Architecture of Nantes, France) - January 2003: CNRS Research Engineer at CERMA (AAU Lab. - School of Architecture of Nantes, France) - July 1998: CNRS Research Engineer at LSV Lab. and LMT Lab. (ENS de Cachan, France) - October 1995 - July 1999: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Univ. Paris VI - Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC, Paris, France) ### Teaching - An average of about 30 hours a year since 1998. Mainly in the Geographical Information Sciences and in Computer Sciences, at the master's degree or Ph.D. level. ### Co-supervision - Rachid HAMAINA - Enrichissement des référentiels géographiques pour la caractérisation morphologique des tissus urbains, Ph.D. Thesis, Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2013 - Jean-Rémy SALLIOU - Evaluation du potentiel de ventilation naturelle de bâtiments en milieu urbain en intégrant la morphométrie des éléments urbains et des connaissances expérimentales, Ph.D. Thesis, Oct. 2011 - resignation in Aug. 2012 - Houda BELGACEM - Génération d'un squelette informé et application à l'étude aéraulique de la forme urbaine \[[\*](\], Ph.D. Thesis, Dec. 2015 - Dec. 2019 - Arnaud TOURNIER - Adapter l’architecture et la ville à l’intensification des flux de données numériques : évaluation d’une solution informatique distribuée à travers les bâtiments dans une perspective de réduction énergétique et de souveraineté informationnelle, Ph.D. Thesis, Jan. 2020 - resignation in Jun. 2021 - Benjamin BEAUCAMP - Vers une visualisation située d’une cartographie sensible des villes : qualification par apprentissage automatique de la perception de l'espace urbain par un piéton en mobilité, Ph.D. Thesis, Jan. 2021 - Present - Julien BRACQUART - Création d’indicateurs cartographiques à partir de jumeau numérique urbain enrichi pour favoriser la mobilité douce, Ph.D. Thesis, Oct. 2022 - Present - Chongan WANG - Compréhension de scènes urbaines réelles pour informer les mobilités à hauteur de piéton - extraction de contenu sensible et cartographie pour favoriser la mobilité douce, Ph.D. Thesis, Oct. 2022 - Present - Justin CHIKHAOUI - Modélisation et analyse du potentiel d'intégration massive de technologies numériques dans les territoires urbains, Ph.D. Thesis, Oct. 2023 -- Present #### Master’s co-supervision - Ziang CUI, 2022 - Xinyi LI, 2022 - Athanase BOURONOPOULOS, 2022 \[[\*](\] - Yuancheng ZHANG, 2021 - Thomas LE JAN, 2020 \[[\*](/hal-03368466)\] - Sam MAILLY, 2020 - Joanne KHEIR, 2018 \[[\*](\] - Bastien BIGNON, 2017 \[[\*](\] - Kevin HARTWELL, 2016 \[[\*](, [\*\*](\] - Houda BELGACEM, 2015 \[[\*](\] - Romuald TISSERAND, 2012 - Guillaume CHAUVAT, 2012 \[[\*](/hal-01347228), [\*\*](\] ### Participation in scientific projects - Project [PicoPatt]( - Urban picoclimatic patterns, ANR-23-CE22-0005, 2024-2027 (393 k€) - Project [Lunne]( - In search of tradeoff for a sustainable ALAN, ANR-22-CE22-0004, 2022-2026 (464 k€) - Project [DésiVille]( - Support tools to the drainage of artificial grounds: methodological developments for the evaluation of drainage potential and catalog of solutions applicable in the city, ADEME-21DAD0029, 2021-2024 (194 k€) - Project [CoolScapes]( - The cooled urban space: technological, spatial and cultural perspectives, ANR-18-CE22-0003, 2018-2022 (190 k€) - Project [AVIDON]( - Architecture and the city in the face of the scale-up of digital data streams. Evaluation of a computing solution across buildings, CNRS/MITI, 2020-2021 (10 k€) - Projet [ISORE]( - Smart management infrastructure toward a renewable energy-focused society, CNRS/Cellule Energie, 2019-2020 (13 k€) - Project [Merubbi]( - Methods for exploiting useful resources of a bioclimatic building in its built environment, ANR-13-VBDU-0007-02, 2014-2018 (905 k€) - Project [Urbasis]( - URBAn SeISmology: seismic vulnerability and damage assessment using innovative methods, ANR-09-RISK-009, 2010-2013 (563 k€) - Project [Eval-PDU]( - Urban mobility plan environmental impacts assessment, ANR-08-VILL-0005, 2009-2013 (1,078 k€) - Ambioflux - Towards a typology of the environmental impact factors of pedestrian flows in the city: exploratory research on the notion of ambiances' markers, PIRVE 2008 # 1004 (The City and Environment Interdisciplinary Research Programme), 2008-2010
