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Xavier Granier

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Xavier Granier is currently a full professor at [Institut d’Optique Graduate School]( – University of Paris-Saclay, teaching Computer Sciences, Computer Graphics, numerical techniques, and radiometry. He is a member of the laboratory [LP2N]( (for Laboratory for Photonic-, Numeric- and Nano-sciences) and an associated members of [Archéosciences Bordeaux]( where he is scientifically leading the activity on 3D metrology for Archaeology through the [Archeovision]( platform. He is also the main coordinator of the [French Consortium “3D for Humanities”]( which aims at federating the initiatives on the use of 3D for scientific researches in Human and Social Sciences. One of the main result is the [French National 3D Data Repository]( He previously was a scientific researcher at Inria, where he has created the research teams [MANAO]( His research background is computer graphics, mostly realistic rendering and global illumination. His researches are now multidisciplinary. They have being extended to acquisition and modeling of material properties and light sources (at University of British Columbia - Vancouver - Canada), sketching interactions (with Zheijiang University - Hangzhou - China) and expressive rendering (previously called non-photorealistic rendering). Currently, his main focus is how Computers Graphics and Optics, by the means of 3D acquisition and restitution, could serve for studies, preservation, annotation and diffusion of Cultural Heritage.

