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Thierry Galli

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  • IdHAL thierry-galli
  • ResearcherId : G-8842-2011
  • ORCID 0000-0001-8514-7455
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  • IdRef : 119423499
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Thierry Galli, Ph.D. Membrane Traffic in Healthy And Diseased Brain Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris, INSERM U1266, Université de Paris Paris, France []( Thierry Galli is a former student of Ecole Normale Supérieure of Saint-Cloud/Lyon. He received his BSc in Biochemistry at the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, in 1988, and his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Jacques Glowinski at the Collège de France and the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, in 1992. He then moved to the USA to carry out postdoctoral research in Prof. Pietro De Camilli's laboratory at Yale University School of Medicine. There he worked on the molecular mechanism of regulated and constitutive exocytosis. In 1995, he took his first research appointment at the French National Institute of Health (INSERM) and the Curie Institute in the laboratory of Prof. Daniel Louvard, and in 2001 he was recruited as Research Director of the French National Institute of Health at the Fer-à-Moulin Institute, Paris. In 2005, he was appointed as a Group Leader at the Jacques Monod Institute, Paris. Since 2018, his team is at the Institute of Psychiatry &amp; Neurosciences of Paris. **His research focuses on the role of SNARE proteins in neuronal cell differentiation, with particular emphasis on the tetanus neurotoxin-sensitive routes, mediated by cellubrevin/VAMP3 and synaptobrevin/VAMP1,2, the tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive routes mediated by TI-VAMP/VAMP7 and ER-plasma membrane contact sites regulated by Sec22b. He carried out seminal work on the secretory pathway mediated by VAMP7 leading particularly to the discovery of its role in the brain and immune system. He recently proposed a new mechanisms of membrane expansion in neurite growth based on non-vesicular transport of lipids at ER-plasma membrane contact sites and secretory reticulophagy.** Thierry Galli was Editor-in-Chief of *Biology of the Cell (2009-2016)* and has been a member of the *Faculty of 1000 (2011-), and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012-), Contact (2018-) and Traffic (2021-)*. *He was President of the Society for Biology of the Cell – France (SBCF) in 2012-2013. He is Director of the multi-agency thematic institute institute (ITMO) of Cell Biology, Development and Evolution and a member of the directorship of the French National Institute of Health. He was appointed head of the Psychiatry and Neuroscience Center in 2015, Institute of Psychiary &amp; Neurosciences of Paris, in 2019. He received the Grand Prix à orientation fondamentale Robert Debré for medical research in 2011, Rachel, Ajzen et Léon IAGOLNITZER Prize of Fondation Pour la Recherche Médicale in 2015, Coup d’Elan Prize of the Bettencourt-Schueller Fondation in 2016.* Full CV: <> **SELECTION OF PUBLICATIONS OF A TOTAL OF &gt;140 SINCE 1990** <a name="_Hlk67243059"></a> 1. <a name="_Hlk67243059"></a>Burgo, A., E. Sotirakis, M.C. Simmler, A. Verraes, C. Chamot,J.C. Simpson, L. Lanzetti, V. Proux-Gillardeaux, and T. Galli. 2009. Role of Varp, a Rab21 exchange factor and TI-VAMP/VAMP7 partner, in neurite growth. ***EMBO reports***. 10:1117-1124. 2. Burgo A.,Proux-Gillardeaux, V., Sotirakis, E., Bun, P., Casano,A., Verraes, A., Liem, R., Formstecher, E., Coppey, M. G**alli**, T. (2012). A molecular network for the transport of the TI-VAMP/VAMP7 vesicles from cell center to periphery. ***Dev. Cell*,** 23:166–180. 3. Danglot, L., K. Zylbersztejn, M. Petkovic, M. Gauberti, H. Meziane, R. Combe, M.F. Champy, M.C. Birling, G. Pavlovic, J.C. Bizot, F. Trovero, F. Della Ragione, V. Proux-Gillardeaux, T. Sorg, D. Vivien, M. D'Esposito, and T. Galli. 2012. Absence of TI-VAMP/Vamp7 Leads to Increased Anxiety in Mice. ***J Neurosci*.** 32:1962-1968. 4. Gallo A, Danglot L, Giordano F, Hewlett B, Binz T, Vannier C, and Galli T. Role of the Sec22b/E-Syt complex in neurite growth and ramification. . Preprint (2020) ***bioRxiv*** <>.***J Cell Sci***. (2020):jcs.247148. <> 5. Martinez-Arca S., Rudge R., Vacca M., Raposo G., Camonis J., Proux-Gillardeaux V., Daviet L., Formstecher E., Hamburger A., Filippini F., D'Esposito M. and T. Galli. (2003). A dual mechanism controlling the localization and function of exocytic v-SNAREs***. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA*** 100:9011-9016. 6. Martinez-Arca S., P. Alberts, A. Zaharoui, D. Louvard, and T. Galli. (2000). Role of Tetanus neurotoxin Insensitive-Vesicle Associated Membrane Protein (TI-VAMP) in Vesicular Transport Mediating Neurite Outgrowth. ***J. Cell Biol***. 149:889-899. 7. Petkovic M, Jemaiel A, Daste F, Specht CG, Izeddin I, Vorkel D, Verbavatz JM, Darzacq X, Triller A, Pfenninger KH, Tareste D, Jackson CL, Galli T. The SNARE Sec22b has a non-fusogenic function in plasma membrane expansion. ***Nat Cell Biol***, 16(5):434-444. doi: 10.1038/ncb2937 8. Wang G, Nola S, Bovio S, Bun P, Coppey-Moisan M, Lafont F, Galli T. (2018). Biomechanical Control of Lysosomal Secretion Via the VAMP7 Hub: A Tug-of-War between VARP and LRRK1. ***iScience*** 4 127-143,, preprint ***bioRxiv*** 159285; doi: <>. 9. Scheuber, A., R. Rudge, L. Danglot, G. Raposo, T. Binz, J.C. Poncer, and T. Galli. 2006. Loss of AP-3 function affects spontaneous and evoked release at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. ***Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA*** 103:16562-16567. 10. Wojnacki J, Nola S, Bun P, Cholley B, Filippini F, Pressé MT, Lipecka J, Lam SM, N’guyen J, Simon A, Ouslimani A, Shui G, Fader CM, Colombo MI, Guerrera IC, and Galli T. Role of VAMP7-dependent secretion of Reticulon 3 in neurite growth. Preprint (2019)**SSRN**: <>, (2020) ***Cell reports,*** [******]( 11. Zylbersztejn, K., M. Petkovic, A. Burgo, M. Deck, S. Garel, S. Marcos, E. Bloch-Gallego, F. Nothias, G. Serini, D. Bagnard, T. Binz, and T. Galli. 2012. The vesicular SNARE Synaptobrevin is required for Semaphorin 3A axonal repulsion. ***J. Cell Biol***. 196:37-46 <a name="_Hlk67243059"></a> **Research Interests:** Molecular mechanisms of nerve cell development; molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmitter release; SNARE proteins; molecular and cellular basis of neuropsychiatric diseases, secretory mechanisms in cancer. **\[h-index 56, more than 9000 citations; [\_Galli](\]**

