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Mohammed Tamali

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Mohammed Tamali was born in Bechar in Algeria, on August 20, 1960. He graduated from USTO-MB, Oran, and studied at the same University of Sciences and Technologies Oran-Mohamed Boudiaf Oran. His employment experience included the EPTP Bechar Company/Bechar and the CERIST, The ISP Algerian Company. He received the M.Sc. in 1996 in Energetical Physics at Bechar University, the Ph.D. degrees from the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Algeria in 2007 and 2013 he became Professor of Electrical Engineering. His particular fields of interest included Power Electrical System, Scientific Computing tools. Sustainable development, Environmental studies applied to distributed electrical network optimization, System Theory application on Power System. He works as a research professor at the University of Bechar since 1986 until today. He is head of Research Team SimulIA in the ENERGARID Laboratory.


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CHAPITRE XII : Informatique pour école Doctorale (Cours : Concepts & Contextes)

Mohammed Tamali
Doctorat. CHAPITRE XII : Informatique pour école Doctorale (Cours : Concepts & Contextes), Béchar, Algérie. 2018, pp.65
Cours cel-01728392v2
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Les outils Open Source de modélisation et de simulation du génie électrique

Mohammed Tamali
Master. Les outils Open Source de modélisation et de simulation du génie électrique, Bechar, Algérie, Algérie. 2017, pp.34
Cours cel-01485491v1
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CHAPITRE XI : Outils de Simulation des modes opératoires & Plans d’expériences

Mohammed Tamali
Master. Algérie. 2013
Cours cel-01445451v1
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Théorie des graphes

Mohammed Tamali
Doctoral. Algeria. 2013
Cours cel-01385792v1
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Système d'Information Géographique

Mohammed Tamali
Master. Algérie. 2013
Cours cel-01445409v2