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Jérôme Rousselet

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Phénologie de la processionnaire du pin : vers de nouveaux outils de suivi à distance et en temps réel

Jérôme Rousselet , Louis Gross , Alexis Bernard , Patrick Pineau , Fréderic Moal
Séminaire Phénologie Tempo 2021, Réseau national Tempo, Oct 2021, Fontainebleau, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03626749v1

Emergence of atypical phenologies at both longitudinal ends of the northern expansion front of the pine processionary moth: the importance of identifying local drivers

G. Zaemdzhikova , Christelle Robinet , M. Georgieva , G. Georgiev , L. Bocheva
International Processionary Meeting, Dec 2018, Hammamet, Tunisia
Communication dans un congrès hal-02788832v1

Phenological changes in the pine processionary moth: possible causes, consequences and up-and-coming monitoring methods

J. Rousselet , Mathieu Laparie , Christelle Robinet , A. Roques , Alexis Bernard
Joint Meeting of IUFRO's WP 7.03.05 & WP 7.03.10 Forest Insects and Pathogens in a Changing Environment: Ecology, Monitoring & Genetics, Sep 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Communication dans un congrès hal-02786758v1