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Philippe Lesot

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### [**CNRS Director of research (DR-1 / INC, S-12)** ](../desktop) [(Research PI) "NMR methodologies and anisotropic deuterium NMR applications"](../desktop) #### *ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5811-7530 Researcher ID: M-3390-2017 Publons ID: Philippe Lesot* #### **RMN en Milieu Orienté, ICMMO, UMR-CNRS 8182, Bât. 410 Université Paris-Saclay 91405 Orsay cedex, Fra**nce **CONTACT &amp; WEBSITES :** Tél : ++ 33 (0)1 69 15 47 59 / 70 17 // Fax. : ++ 33 (0)1 69 15 81 05 E-mail: <> ### [ ]([\_Lesot ](<> ### [ ]( **SHORT CV :** Dr. Philippe Lesot, born in October 1967, has been Research Director since 2007 at Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Materiaux d’Orsay (ICMMO) (France) located at Orsay (University of Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay). He is affiliated to the french National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS since 1997. He received his Ph.D degree (cum laudae) at University of Paris-Sud (Orsay) in 1995 (supervisor: Prof. J. Courtieu), and then pursued his NMR research activities at University of Southampton (UK) with Prof. J.W. Emsley, awarded by both a grant from the Royal Society of London and the French Foreign Ministry (Lavoisier). After holding a temporary assistant professor position at Orsay for one year, he joined the CNRS in 1997. He was a recipient of the 2001 Bronze Medal from CNRS for young scientists for his pioneering work on the Natural abundance 2D-NMR spectroscopy in chiral liquid crystals. He has published over 110 publications in international, peer-review journals, 10 bbok chapters inclused two encyclopedian and given approx. 55 invited talks on the analytical and methodological developments in anisotropic NMR in collaboration with numerous (bio)chemists. His current research interests focus on the natural isotope fractionation of bioproducts by anisotropic NAD NMR and the fight against counterfeiting. **SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY :** **\* Scientific board of the INC (CNRS)(2019-2022)** ``` <a href=""></a> <br></br><br></br> ``` #### Currently #### \* University office of Paris-Saclay (2020-2023) #### \* Board of the Academic Council of the Univeristy Paris-Saclay (2020-2023) #### \* Member of the CCSU ( 31-32-33) #### Previously : #### \* Board of the Academic Council of the COMUE Paris-Saclay (2015-2019) **\* Member of S-12 du CoNRS (2008-2012 / 2012-2016)** **\* Member of Chemistry Department COMUE Paris-Saclay (2015-2019)** **SCIENTIFIC EDITORIAL ACTIVITY :** **\* Associated Editors of Magnetic Resonance (MR) (2020-)** [\_board.html]( **\* Academic Editors of Concept in Magnetic Resonance A (2018-)** [\*]( ****\*** Member of editorial borad of "Spectra Analyse" PCI presse, (2014-2018)** **\* Board of the "Société Française des IsotopeS**" (SFIS) <> **\* Member of the India National Magnetic Resonance Society** (NMRS) [ ]( #### **EXPERTISE COMMITMENT :** \* Expert for the French MESRI (BAP B) \* Expert for the «DFG» (Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft /Allemagne) \* Expert for the «Volskwagen Freigeist fellowships» (<>) \* Expert «European Science Fundation » (<>) \* Expert «HCERES / AERES» \* Expert «ANR» \* Expert «Agences régionales» \* Chairman and expert of selection committees (ITRF, ITA, Assistant reader, **PREVIOUSLY :** \- DR1 at CNRS (2020-) \- DR2 at CNRS (2007-2019) \- CR1 at CNRS (1997 -2007) \- CR2 at CNRS (1997 -2000) \- Assistant lecturer (Univ Paris-Sud) (1996 -1997) \- Post-Doctoral researcher (University of Southamptopn, UK) (1995-1996) \- Thesis (1992-1995) **DISTINCTIONS :** \* Bronze medal of CNRS (2001) \* Royal Society of London fellowship (1995-1996) \* Lavoisier Grant (1995-1996) **SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTIONS :** \* Scientific book chapters : 8 \* Other book chapters : 2 \* Peer-reviewed articles : 114 \* Miscellaneous (large audience) articles: 13 \* Journal covers : 13 \* Cover profiles : 2 \* Invited talks: : 33 \* Seminars : 22 \* Oral communications : 67 \* Posters : 56 **CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ORGANISATIONS :** \* "Thematic GBP NMR network" conference, France, Paris (2021) \* "GBP NMR network" Workshop, France, Orsay (2020) \* "7th Congress of SFIS, France (2019) \* "1st JFPSA", Marocco, Marrakesh, (2017) \* "Thematic GBP NMR network" conference ,France, Paris (2014) \* "GBP NMR network" Workshop, France, Orsay (2014)
Philippe Lesot, né en 1967, est directeur de recherche depuis 2007 à l'Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO) (France). Il est affilié au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Il a obtenu son doctorat (cum laudae) à l'Université de Paris-Sud (Orsay) en 1995 (superviseur : Prof. J. Courtieu), puis a poursuivi ses activités de recherche à l'Université de Southampton (UK) avec J.W. Emsley, grâce à une bourse de la Royal Society of London et du Ministère français des Affaires étrangères (Lavoisier). Après avoir occupé un poste de professeur assistant temporaire pendant un an, il a rejoint le CNRS en 1997. Il a reçu la Médaille de bronze 2001 du CNRS pour les jeunes scientifiques pour son travail de pionnier sur la RMN du NAD dans la CVX. Il a publié plus de 110 articles dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture, et a donné environ 55 conférences invitées sur les développements analytiques et méthodologiques de la RMN anisotrope en collaboration avec de nombreux (bio)chimistes. Ses intérêts de recherche actuels portent sur le fractionnement des isotopes naturels des bioproduits par RMN anisotrope NAD et la lutte contre la contrefaçon. Traduit avec

