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Peter Stockinger

Peter Stockinger (INALCO, Paris) - Curriculum Vitae
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#### 1. PERSONAL DATA **1956:** born in Austria - **Nationality**: Austrian - **Since 1979:** living and working in PARIS. #### 2. RESEARCH DOMAINS Discourse and text semiotics; Textscape semiotics; Semiotics of (digital) environments of communication; Semiotics of culture and comparative cultural studies; Digital – audio-visual – archives, conceptual modelling and knowledge representation #### 3. EDUCATION & DIPLOMA **Salzburg University, Austria:** General linguistics (“Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaften”), German linguistics and literature (“Germanistik”) and psychology. (BA and MA). 1974-1980 **Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales** (EHESS), **University of Paris III** *– La Sorbonne Nouvelle* and **Collège de France** in Paris: general semantics (A.J. Greimas); cultural sociology (Pierre Bourdieu); anthropology (Claude Lévi-Strauss) and ethnology (Georges Condominas); discourse analysis and history (Michel de Certeau); formal approaches in structuralism (Jean Petitot). 1976-1984 **Salzburg University, Austria:** *Ph.D.* – *Doctor of Philosophy* (“Doktor der Philosophie”) obtained with the unanimous felicitations of the commission. Research work in structural semantics and semiotics applied to the description of literary texts.1980 **Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris :** *Doctorat de Troisième Cycle* in “Sciences du Langage” awarded with the unanimous felicitations of the commission. Research work in formal action theory and narrative semiotics. 1984 **University of Paris III– La Sorbonne Nouvelle:** *Thèse d'Etat es Lettres et Sciences Humaines* (“Habilitation”) awarded with the unanimous felicitations of the commission. Research work on the conceptual semantics of (causal, transitive) state changes in natural language. 1987 #### 4. PROFESIONNAL EXPERIENCE **CNRS, Institut National de la Langue Française (InaLF):** Member of the research lab *Analyse du Discours (scientific head: A.J. Greimas)*. 1977-1994 **University of Paris IV – Sorbonne:** Reader in German language, linguistics and literature. 1981-1985 **University of Salzburg - Institute of Slavic Languages**: Assistant Professor in semiotics and discourse analysis. 1984-1985 **CNRS & Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS-Ulm) - Institut de Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM)** Fellow researcher in text and discourse semiotics. 1985 – 1987 **CNRS - Institut National de la Langue Française (INaLF**)Research assistant in general and applied semiotics, knowledge modelling and representation and artificial intelligence. 1987 – 1990. **Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), Paris,** *Full Professor* in cognitive semantics, semiotics of culture, discourse semiotics, new information technologies and (new) media studies ; teaching activities in form of 5 hours/week (teaching levels: BA, MA, Doctorate); conception and implementation of 2 BA and 4 MA curricula in intercultural communication, new media studies and natural language technologies and applied linguistics. Since 1990. **Head** of the department **Centre de Recherche Multilingue (CRIM) at INALCO, Paris,** specialized in natural language processing and applied linguistics. 1990 – 1995. **Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) Paris,** *Research Director* of the research laboratory *Equipe Sémiotique Cognitive et Nouveaux Medias* (ESCoM) specialized in the domains of digital libraries and archives. 1991 - 2015. **Head** of the department **Filière Communication Interculturelle (CFI) – INALCO, Paris,** specialized in intercultural communication, information and new media studies. 2015 - 2018.. **Head** of the R&D **programme SemioMed** belonging to the research lab **PLIDAM** of **INALCO**, Paris, a interdisciplinary and interinstitutional research network in France working in the domains of collaborative, community based digital platforms for the production, description, diffusion and valorisation of cultural and scientific heritage by audio-visual means. Since 2015. **Head** of the **Presses de l’Inalco.** Since December 2017. #### 5. EXPERTISE Scientific expert for the French **HCERES** (Haut Conseil de l’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur) having in charge the evaluation of the French research and higher education institutions. Since 2016 Member of the **EU-India social sciences and humanities platform** **EqUIP** aiming at an enhanced scientific cooperation between Europe and India especially in the fields of digital heritage and archives. Since 2016 Scientific expert for the **USPC (Université Sorbonne Paris Cité) community** in social sciences and humanities. Since 2014 Expert for several national and international **research boards and funds**: Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQSC); Fonds national Suisse; Bulgarian National Science Foundation; Estonian research Council; Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique, … Since 2009 Scientific expert and referee for several national (French) and international **scientific journals**: Actes Sémiotiques (France); AIDA Informazioni (Italy), Socio (France); Les Cahiers du Numérique (France) … Since 2009 **European Commission**, Member Expert Group “*User Media Expert Group of the European Commission”*- White Paper of the Commission for the future of user centric medias. Since 2007 #### 6. AWARD Bronze Medal of the CNRS, for the research undertaken in the field of discourse and narrative semiotics, 1985. #### 7. FOUNDING (15 year-track-records) Since 1988, scientific coordination of 32 national and international R&D projects in new media studies, semiotics, knowledge representation, ICT and (audio-visual) digital libraries Selection of R&D projects since 2001 with an appr. income generation of 1,9 M€): **2017 – 2021:** ANR (French National Agency), MemoMines - *Converting memorial traces into numerical mediations : the case of mining memory -* (Leader: University of Valenciennes) research project dedicated to the production and mediation of the industrial heritage of mining in northern France by the means of digital technologies; **2014 – 2017:** ANR (French National Agency), Campus AAR (Leader: ESCoM) research project dedicated to the building and testing of a community based collaborative environment for the management of digital audio-visual archives in the humanities using open software and public national research infrastructures (total project budget: 1,1 Mio Euro; budget for the ESCoM lab: 320.000 euro); **2010 – 2012:** European Commission, FP7 project CONVERGENCE (Leader: University of Roma/CNITT); technological project dedicated to the semantic interoperability of digital data (total project budget: 3,2 Mio Euro; budget for ESCoM-FMSH lab: 370.000 euro); **2009 – 2011:** ANR (French National Agency), *Atelier Sémiotique Audiovisuel* (Leader: ESCoM/FMSH) project dedicated to the thematic description of video corpora in the humanities (project budget: 320.000 Euro for ESCoM-FMSH lab); **2006 – 2009:** ANR (French National Agency), *SAPHIR* (Leader: Institut National de l’Audiovisuel); project dedicated to the development of a working environment for digital audiovisual archives (total project budget: 1 Mio Euro; budget for ESCoM-FMSH lab: 155.000 euro); **2006 – 2009:** European Commission, FP6 project DIVAS (Leader: Archetypon, Athens); technological project dedicated to automatic content research in audiovisual records (total project budget: 2,4 Mio Euro; budget for ESCoM-FMSH lab: 197.000 euro); **2006 – 2009:** European Commission, FP6 project LOGOS (Leader: Antenna Hungaria, Budapest); technological project dedicated to the republishing of audiovisual corpora (total project budget: 3,1 Mio Euro; budget for ESCoM-FMSH lab: 216.000 euro); **2004 – 2006:** European Commission, Leonardo project CHIRON (Leader: ESCoM/FMSH); project dedicated to a critical and comparative work on ubiquitous Internet (total project budget: 480.000 Mio Euro; budget for ESCoM-FMSH lab: 80.000 euro); **1996 – 1999:** European Commission, ESPRIT IV project VHF – Virtual Hypermedia Factory (Leader: Olivetti Ricerca); digital libraries in cultural heritage and research (total project budget: 3,6 Mio Euro; budget for ESCoM-FMSH lab: 250.000 euro). #### 8. PUBLICATIONS **Peer reviewed Articles** 2017 Peter Stockinger, Semiotics of textscapes and cultures; in: *Semiotica* (under press) 2015 Peter Stockinger (with Steffen Lalande and Abdelkrim Beloued), Le tournant sémiotique dans les archives audiovisuelles. Vision globale et éléments conceptuels de mise en œuvre ; in: *Les Cahiers du Numérique*, vol. 11-N°3, 2015, pp. 11 – 38 2015 Peter Stockinger (with Steffen Lalande and Abdelkrim Beloued), Modélisation et formalisation RDFS/OWL d’une ontologie de description audiovisuelle ; in: *Les Cahiers du Numérique*, vol. 11-N°3, 2015, pp. 39 – 70 2014 Peter Stockinger, The semiotic turn in digital archives and libraries; in: *Les Cahiers du Numérique*, vol. 11-N°1, 2014, pp. 57 – 82 2010 Peter Stockinger, Adaptation et re-publication des ressources audiovisuelles numériques, in : *HERMES. Cognition – Communication – Politique*. N° 56 – 2010, pp. 140 - 160 2009 Peter Stockinger, *Das Programm „Digitale Audiovisuelle Forschungsarchive“.* In: M. Becker (ed.), *Archiv im Netz.* Innsbruck, Studien-Verlag/Skarabaeus, pp. 113 - 121 2008 Peter Stockinger, Les archives audiovisuelles de la recherche: un programme de production, traitement, conservation, diffusion en ligne de patrimoines numériques audiovisuels en sciences humaines et sociales. In: *Gazette des Archives* N° 212, année 2008 – 4, pp. 101 - 119 2007 Peter Stockinger, Repurposing digital audiovisual resources for user communities possessing different cultural and linguistic profiles; in: *Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries LADL 2007*, Budapest 2007, p. 29 – 38 2007 Peter Stockinger, Des archives audiovisuelles monolingues sur un site multilingue. In: *HERMES. Cognition – Communication – Politique.* N° 49 – 2007, pp. 69 – 77 2007 Peter Stockinger, Ecriture et image, in: *Paroles*, Hong Kong, 209/2007, pp 26 – 30 (French article and Chinese translation). 1995 Peter Stockinger, Negotiating, Accepting, and Referring, In: *Sémiotiques* 9, pp.117 – 159 1993 Peter Stockinger, Conceptual Analysis, Knowledge Management, and Conceptual Graph Theory, *Lenguas Modernas* 20, 1993, pp. 5 – 56 **Scientific monographs** 2012 : Peter Stockinger, Audiovisual archives. Digital Text and Discourse Analysis. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons (350 p). 2005*Les sites web. Procédures de description, d’évaluation et de conception.* Paris, Hermes Science Publications (230 p). 2003 *Le document audiovisuel. Description et exploitations pratiques.* Paris, Hermes Science Publications (240 p). 2001*Traitement et contrôle de l’information.* Perspectives sémiotiques et textuelles. Paris, Hermes Science (170 p.) 1999 *Les nouveaux produits d’information.* Conception et sémiotique du document. Paris, Hermes Science Publications (370 p) **Collective books (anthologies)** 2017 Peter Stockinger (with Steffen Lalande and Abdelkrim Beloued),Studio Campus AAR: A Semantic Platform for Analyzing and Publishing Audiovisual Corpuses (pages 85–133); in: Editor(s): Samuel Szoniecky, Nasreddine Bouhaï: *Collective Intelligence and Digital Archives: Towards Knowledge Ecosystems*, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2017, pp. 85 - 133 2011 Peter Stockinger (Editor), Digital Audiovisual Archives. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons (350 p). 2011 Peter Stockinger (Editor), Introduction to Audiovisual Archives. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons (350p). 2007 Peter Stockinger, D. Dochev (eds), *Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications with Intelligent Content LAIC 2008 Proceedings*. Sofia, IIT – BAS 2008 2003 Peter Stockinger (ed), *Portails et collaboratoires pour l’enseignement et la recherche*, Paris, Hermes Science Publications (230p.) 2001, Monika Knassmüller, Peter Stockinger, Karl Sandner, Unternehmensleitbilder. Entwicklung einer Beschreibungssystematik, Vienna, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien 2001 2000 Peter Stockinger, Charlotte Nikitenko (eds), *La publication enligne*, Paris, Hermes Sciences Publications (225p). #### 9. KEYNOTE SPEAKER, invited lectures in international conferences Since 2001, invitations in more than 100 conferences, guest lectures … in national and international scientific events (supervised by a program or scientific committee)

Domaines de recherche

Sciences de l'information et de la communication Linguistique
