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Pascaline Pré

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After an engineer and doctorate graduation in Chemical Process Engineering obtained in 1997 at the National Polytechnical Institute in Toulouse, Pascaline Pré was Associate Professor and is currently Professor at IMT Atlantique in the Department of Energy Systems and Environment. She has been carrying out her research in the CNRS-GEPEA unit since its creation in 2001. Her research addresses issues related to the operability and intensification of processes used for gas purification/separation/storage. The applications are the conditioning of energy vectors (CH4, H2) and the capture of pollutant and greenhouse emissions (VOC, soot, CO2), considering their possible recycling. Improvement of the process performances, intensification and reduction of their environmental impact are targeted and rely on multi-scale studies, involving the characterization of reactive solid phases, especially carboneceous ones, produced from new synthesis or from residues, as well as fine analysis and modeling of local transfer-reaction phenomena in multiphase and porous systems. She is co-author of nearly 50 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and contributed to 8 book chapters. She is presently leader of the GEPEA research group "VERTE: Energy/Matter Valorization of Residues and Emission Treatment" (13 permanent researchers). She is an elected member of the French Association of Adsorption (AFA), elected staff representative in the scientific comittee of the Mines-Telecom Institute and coordinates the department of Energy and Process Engineering in the Carnot M.I.N.E.S institute ( She also participates in different research groups and networks: Société Francophone d’Etudes du Carbone, Société Française du Génie des Procédés, GDR-SUIE, Fédération Française des Matériaux... She is a Chemical Engineering lecturer in IMT Atlantique, and as such implemented and coordinated the European Master Erasmus-Mundus ME3 « Management & Engineering of Environment and Energy ».



Hytrend, un projet power to X de l’Institut Carnot M.I.N.E.S.

Christian Beauger , Pascaline Pre , Alain Thorel , Anthony Chesnaud , Charly Lemoine
Énergie renouvelable et ressources, les enjeux de demain : de l’ingénierie aux territoires, Institut Mines-télécom, Apr 2021, En ligne, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03528316v1