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olivier cadot



After a formation of physics in the magister of the University Denis Diderot Paris 7, I obtained my PhD in 1995 at the Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris under the direction of Yves Couder and Stéphane Douady. I have then been recruited as an assistant professor at the University of Le Havre for 6 years. In 2001, I joined for 2 years the Laboratoire Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes de l'Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie ParisTech as a full researcher. I'm currently professor at ENSTA-ParisTech since my recruitment as a senior researcher in 2003 at the Unit of Mechanical Engineering, recently renamed [IMSIA]( for Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications.
After a formation of physics in the magister of the University Denis Diderot Paris 7, I obtained my PhD in 1995 at the Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris under the direction of Yves Couder and Stéphane Douady. I have then been recruited as an assistant professor at the University of Le Havre for 6 years. In 2001, I joined for 2 years the Laboratoire Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes de l'Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie ParisTech as a full researcher. I'm currently professor at ENSTA-ParisTech since my recruitment as a senior researcher in 2003 at the Unit of Mechanical Engineering, recently renamed [IMSIA]( for Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications.

