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Nadine Dessay

Affiliations actuelles
  • 67872
Identifiants chercheurs


Nadine Dessay is a research engineer processing analysis and representation of spatial information at IRD to the ESPACE-DEV. Her research focuses on the use of remote sensing data for development of spatial methods in the context of deforestation and health; image processing (classification, texture and oriented-objet approach; spatial analysis of impacts at local and regional scales; mapping and understanding the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of the different indicators and determinants of the risk (local, regional, country-wide); teaching, geographic information systems applied to health issues. She participates to, or supervises several partnership and research projects to improve knowledge about the relationship between environment and vector-borne diseases, between French Guiana and Brazil and within other cross-border contexts. Within ESPACE-DEV, she is in charge of the Satellite observation, Time series, Radar Optic, processing chaiNs, Genericity team (STRONG)

Domaines de recherche
