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Maurine Montagnat-Rentier



[Institute of Geosciences of Environment]( research team : CryoDYN Currently at [Centre d’Etude de la Neige](, CNRM MeteoFrance Director of the French Groupement de Recherche "Recrystrallization and Grain Growth" (2011-2021) [GDR REX ]( Outreach -------- ["La glace, une matière à réflexion](, La Conversation Scientifique, France Culture, Samedi 2 mars 2019. ["L’Objet de mes recherches"]( Film ["Cristal de glace"]( Scientific interests -------------------- - Ice mechanical behavior, multi-scale approach, from dislocation to polycrystal - Characterization of deformation heterogeneities. Strain field measurements by Digital Image Correlation, lattice distortion via EBSD analyses. - Recrystallization mechanisms, dynamic and post-dynamic - Micro-Macro full-field modeling based on a Fast Fourier Approach. - Snow and firn microstructures and mechanical behavior. - Measurements and modeling of texture evolution along deep ice cores. - Formation and behavior of waterfall ice. Research project funded by the [Petzl Foundation]( Recent and on-going projects ---------------------------- ![-]( Main partner of the [ERC Projet RhEOVOLUTION](, led by Andréa Tommasi (Géosciences Montpellier). 2020-2025 ![-]( Research fellow in [WSL-SLF Davos](, August 2016 to August 2017 ![-]( CNRS research exchange project PICS between Davos (Switzerland), LGGE and CEN (Grenoble). Coordinator 2016-2018 ![-]( ANR Project "DREAM", 2014-2018. Coordinator. Dynamic Recrystallization of Anisotropic Materials. [website]( ![-]( ESF RNP Program MicroDIce. Micro Dynamique of Ice (2010 - 2017). Coordinator. [website]( ![-]( ANR Project "ELVIS", 2008-2012. Micromechanical approach of nonlinear ELasto-VIScoplasticity in polycrystalline materials : theory, modeling, and experimental comparison. [website]( ![-]( Responsible for a research project on ice waterfalls, ["Cristal de glace, itinéraire scientifique au coeur des cascades de glace"](, 2006-2013 [Petzl Foundation]( ![-]( ANR Project "NEEM-France", 2007-2011. Deep ice core and vulnerability of the Greenland ice sheet.