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Maël Crépy

Identifiants chercheurs


**Introduction** I'm a geographer working on interactions between societies and environments in arid and Mediterranean areas during the Late Holocene (Egypt, France, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan). I combine methods of geomorphological and geaoarchaeological survey, study of travellers' accounts, archival documents and satellite images. My current research focuses on the socio-environmental contexts of the development and occupation of Egypt's desert margins over the last 5000 years. **Current position** Researcher, CNRS, HiSoMA ([Website]( **Research responsibilities** Director of the *Mission Archéologique Française du Désert Oriental* (MAFDO) Co-responsible for the IFAO research program *NOMADES* Co-responsible for the junior Lab *Nomad's Lands* **Participation in projects** *Completed projects* \- 2018 - 2020 - PCR Etude du Bâti de la commanderie de Jalès, Ardèche (dir. L. d'Agostino and E. Régagnon). [Project description]( \- 2017 - 2020 - ANR Oasiwat "Origin, mutations and dynamics of Southeastern Arabia oases: Soil/water availability and management for the last 5 millennia."(dir. L. Purdue). [Blog]( \- 2018 - 2019 - PHC Utique "PHAST Télédétection" (dir. M. Rasse and H. Khatelli). [Project description]( \- 2016 - 2019 - Action ZABR/Agence de l'eau, ArchPress "Évaluation de l’apport des données d’archives hydrologiques pour l’étude des pressions sur la ressource en eau et les milieux aquatiques dans les rivières cévenoles depuis la fin du XIXe siècle" (dir. N. Jacob-Rousseau and O. Navratil). [Project description and link to final report]( \- 2021 - 2023 - "Nomad's lands : Économies, sociétés et matérialités des nomades" (dir. V. Lafont, J. Marchand, M. Crépy), strategic axis 5 (Junior Lab) of the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerrannée. [Project description]( \- 2018 - 2022 - ERC 2017 - 2022 Project "Desert Networks: Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period" (dir. B. Redon). [Website](, [Blog]( *Current projects* - 2021 -2024 - ANR Nile's Earth (dir. T. Joffroy) [Blog]( \- 2021 -2024 - ANR TransOxus (dir. J. Lhuillier) [Website]( **Participation in archaeological missions** *In Egypt - 5 archaeological missions* \- 2019 - ... - French Archaeological Mission of the Eastern Desert (dir. T. Faucher). [Blog]( \- 2019 - ... - French Archaeological Mission of Kôm Abou Billou (dir. S.Dhennin). [Blog]( \- 2019 - ... - Archaeological mission of Hatnoub quarries (dir. Y.Gourdon and R. Enmarch). [Mission description]( \- 2018 - ... - French archaeological mission to Taposiris Magna and Plinthine (dir. M.-Fr. Boussac then B. Redon). [Blog]( \- 2010 - ... - IFAO's archaeological mission in Douch (dir. M.Wuttmann then B.Midant-Reynes and F. Briois). [Mission description]( *In other regions of the world - 4 archaeological missions* \- 2019 - ... - French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria: Kayrit oasis, Uzbekistan (dir. Johanna Lhuillier). [Blog]( \- 2016 - 2018 - Operation Masafi (United Arab Emirates, dir. A. Benoist, then J.Charbonnier) of the French Archaeological Mission in the United Arab Emirates (dir. S.Méry). [Mission description]( \- 2017 - 2018 - Oasis of Dhayah and Shimal (United Arab Emirates, dir. L. Purdue and J. Charbonnier). [Blog]( \- 2010 - French-Saudi archaeological mission of Kilwa (Saudi Arabia, dir. S.Farès). **Teaching** \- 2011 - ... - 564 hours of courses on various topics of human (geopolitics and economic geography), regional (Arab world) and physical geography (Biogeography, karst geomorphology, desert geomorphology, geohistory, geoarchaeology), and methodology (GIS, cartography, computer graphics and scientific poster production) for students of various levels (from licence 1 to master 2) and disciplines (geography, history, anthropology and archaeology students). \- 2012 - 2015 - Field training courses for geography students (4 training for Licence 3 and one training for Master 2). \- 2017 - participation in the supervision of one licence student and one Master 1 student (in the framework of Action ZABR/Agence de l'eau, ArchPress "Évaluation de l’apport des données d’archives hydrologiques pour l’étude des pressions sur la ressource en eau et les milieux aquatiques dans les rivières cévenoles depuis la fin du XIXe siècle") \- 2019 - 2020 - participation in the supervision of one Master 1 student (in the framework of the French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria) \- 2020 - 2021 - participation in the supervision of one Master 2 student (in the framework of the French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria)
**Introduction** I'm a geographer working on interactions between societies and environments in arid and Mediterranean areas during the Late Holocene (Egypt, France, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan). I combine methods of geomorphological and geaoarchaeological survey, study of travellers' accounts, archival documents and satellite images. My current research focuses on the socio-environmental contexts of the development and occupation of Egypt's desert margins over the last 5000 years. **Current position** Researcher, CNRS, HiSoMA ([Website]( **Research responsibilities** Director of the *Mission Archéologique Française du Désert Oriental* (MAFDO) Co-responsible for the IFAO research program *NOMADES* Co-responsible for the junior Lab *Nomad's Lands* **Participation in projects** *Completed projects* \- 2018 - 2020 - PCR Etude du Bâti de la commanderie de Jalès, Ardèche (dir. L. d'Agostino and E. Régagnon). [Project description]( \- 2017 - 2020 - ANR Oasiwat "Origin, mutations and dynamics of Southeastern Arabia oases: Soil/water availability and management for the last 5 millennia."(dir. L. Purdue). [Blog]( \- 2018 - 2019 - PHC Utique "PHAST Télédétection" (dir. M. Rasse and H. Khatelli). [Project description]( \- 2016 - 2019 - Action ZABR/Agence de l'eau, ArchPress "Évaluation de l’apport des données d’archives hydrologiques pour l’étude des pressions sur la ressource en eau et les milieux aquatiques dans les rivières cévenoles depuis la fin du XIXe siècle" (dir. N. Jacob-Rousseau and O. Navratil). [Project description and link to final report]( \- 2021 - 2023 - "Nomad's lands : Économies, sociétés et matérialités des nomades" (dir. V. Lafont, J. Marchand, M. Crépy), strategic axis 5 (Junior Lab) of the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerrannée. [Project description]( \- 2018 - 2022 - ERC 2017 - 2022 Project "Desert Networks: Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period" (dir. B. Redon). [Website](, [Blog]( *Current projects* - 2021 -2024 - ANR Nile's Earth (dir. T. Joffroy) [Blog]( \- 2021 -2024 - ANR TransOxus (dir. J. Lhuillier) [Website]( **Participation in archaeological missions** *In Egypt - 5 archaeological missions* \- 2019 - ... - French Archaeological Mission of the Eastern Desert (dir. T. Faucher, then M. Crépy). [Blog]( \- 2019 - ... - French Archaeological Mission of Kôm Abou Billou (dir. S.Dhennin). [Blog]( \- 2019 - ... - Archaeological mission of Hatnoub quarries (dir. Y.Gourdon and R. Enmarch). [Mission description]( \- 2018 - ... - French archaeological mission to Taposiris Magna and Plinthine (dir. M.-Fr. Boussac then B. Redon). [Blog]( \- 2010 - ... - IFAO's archaeological mission in Douch (dir. M.Wuttmann then B.Midant-Reynes and F. Briois). [Mission description]( *In other regions of the world - 4 archaeological missions* \- 2019 - ... - French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria: Kayrit oasis, Uzbekistan (dir. Johanna Lhuillier). [Blog]( \- 2016 - 2018 - Operation Masafi (United Arab Emirates, dir. A. Benoist, then J.Charbonnier) of the French Archaeological Mission in the United Arab Emirates (dir. S.Méry). [Mission description]( \- 2017 - 2018 - Oasis of Dhayah and Shimal (United Arab Emirates, dir. L. Purdue and J. Charbonnier). [Blog]( \- 2010 - French-Saudi archaeological mission of Kilwa (Saudi Arabia, dir. S.Farès). **Teaching** \- 2011 - ... - 564 hours of courses on various topics of human (geopolitics and economic geography), regional (Arab world) and physical geography (Biogeography, karst geomorphology, desert geomorphology, geohistory, geoarchaeology), and methodology (GIS, cartography, computer graphics and scientific poster production) for students of various levels (from licence 1 to master 2) and disciplines (geography, history, anthropology and archaeology students). \- 2012 - 2015 - Field training courses for geography students (4 training for Licence 3 and one training for Master 2). \- 2017 - participation in the supervision of one licence student and one Master 1 student (in the framework of Action ZABR/Agence de l'eau, ArchPress "Évaluation de l’apport des données d’archives hydrologiques pour l’étude des pressions sur la ressource en eau et les milieux aquatiques dans les rivières cévenoles depuis la fin du XIXe siècle") \- 2019 - 2020 - participation in the supervision of one Master 1 student (in the framework of the French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria) \- 2020 - 2021 - participation in the supervision of one Master 2 student (in the framework of the French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria) \- 2021 -... - participation in the supervision of one Ph.D student (in the framework of the ANR program TransOxus - dir. J. Lhuillier -and of the French archaeological mission of protohistoric Bactria)



Que reste-t-il des nomades ? Paysages, transmission et héritages culturels (Afrique du Nord et de l’Est et péninsule Arabique)

Maël Crépy , Ninon Blond , Julie Marchand , Marie Bourgeois
Qu'est-ce qu'être nomade au fil des temps passés, présents et futurs ?, Nov 2021, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03602114v1