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Laurent Longuevergne

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I am junior researcher (CR2 CNRS) at [Geosciences Rennes]( laboratory since 2010, working on the development of geophysical and geodetic tools in the [hydrogeology]( team. After completion of an engineering degree in geophysics from the [Polytech’Paris school](, I spent a year with the [French Polar Institute (IPEV)]( as a civil volunteer to maintain the geomagnetic and seismological observatories on the [Kerguelen Islands]( Then, I worked a few months with the [French Geological Survey (BRGM)]( as an engineer to set up a statistical model of the Upper Rhine Aquifer. In 2004, I begun a PhD within the “hydrogeodesy” ANR project (PI: [N. Florsch](, on the development of ground geodetic instruments (tiltmeter, gravimeter) as tools for hydrology, combining field observations, modelling and process understanding as necessary steps to decipher physical processes in a fully transdisciplinary study. This contribution was awarded as best 2008 [PhD]( by the [CNFGG]( During my Post-doc at the Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, I extended my knowledge to GRACE gravity satellite with application to water resources and management at larger spatial scales with [B.R. Scanlon]( I also actively participated in the first challenge of adapting a superconducting gravimeter to the field with [C.R. Wilson]( My transdisciplinary skills allowed me to create living collaborations with various teams from the geodetic, hydrological and hydrometeorological communities. I am now the co-PI of the French “Future investment program” EQUIPEX “CRITEX” project, funded by ANR, which aims at developing a shared equipment network for the exploration of the Critical Zone (PI: [J. Gaillardet]( This project is built on two recognized observation networks, [RBV]( and[H+]( It gathers 15 universities and 5 research institutions (BRGM, CNRS, INRA, IRD, IRSTEA); and aims to be a meeting place dedicated to create interactions and synergy among observatory leaders, geophysicists and geochemists working around the “Critical Zone”.
I am junior researcher (CR2 CNRS) at [Geosciences Rennes]( laboratory since 2010, working on the development of geophysical and geodetic tools in the [hydrogeology]( team. After completion of an engineering degree in geophysics from the [Polytech’Paris school](, I spent a year with the [French Polar Institute (IPEV)]( as a civil volunteer to maintain the geomagnetic and seismological observatories on the [Kerguelen Islands]( Then, I worked a few months with the [French Geological Survey (BRGM)]( as an engineer to set up a statistical model of the Upper Rhine Aquifer. In 2004, I begun a PhD within the “hydrogeodesy” ANR project (PI: [N. Florsch](, on the development of ground geodetic instruments (tiltmeter, gravimeter) as tools for hydrology, combining field observations, modelling and process understanding as necessary steps to decipher physical processes in a fully transdisciplinary study. This contribution was awarded as best 2008 [PhD]( by the [CNFGG]( During my Post-doc at the Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, I extended my knowledge to GRACE gravity satellite with application to water resources and management at larger spatial scales with [B.R. Scanlon]( I also actively participated in the first challenge of adapting a superconducting gravimeter to the field with [C.R. Wilson]( My transdisciplinary skills allowed me to create living collaborations with various teams from the geodetic, hydrological and hydrometeorological communities. I am now the co-PI of the French “Future investment program” EQUIPEX “CRITEX” project, funded by ANR, which aims at developing a shared equipment network for the exploration of the Critical Zone (PI: [J. Gaillardet]( This project is built on two recognized observation networks, [RBV]( and[H+]( It gathers 15 universities and 5 research institutions (BRGM, CNRS, INRA, IRD, IRSTEA); and aims to be a meeting place dedicated to create interactions and synergy among observatory leaders, geophysicists and geochemists working around the “Critical Zone”.

