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Laurent FULCHERI Directeur de Recherche MINES ParisTech - Centre PERSEE ingénieur ENSAM ParisTech (1983), DEA INPG (1985), docteur de l’Université de Perpignan (1988), HDR Université de Perpignan (2003). Enseignant Chercheur MINES ParisTech depuis 1989, Responsable de la Spécialité Doctorale "Energétique et Procédés" ED SMI 432 Sciences des métiers de l'ingénieur depuis Janvier 2013, membre du Conseil de l'ED SMI 432, Professeur Honoraire à la "School of Engineering, University of Kwazulu-Natal Howard college campus" depuis Janvier 2016. Recherche : procédés de conversion par voie plasma, écoulements plasma réactifs, conversion thermochimique Enseignement : effet de serre, agrocarburants, transferts thermiques, procédés plasma, décarbonation de l'énergie et des combustibles. Laurent FULCHERI was born in France in 1960. Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM-ParisTech) in 1983, he got a DEA (Master degree) from INP-Grenoble in 1984, a Ph.D. in 1989 and the Habilitation degree in 2003. He joined Ecole des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech) in 1989 as a Senior Researcher, became head of the Plasma Group in 1995, Maître de Recherche in 2007 and Directeur de Recherche (Full Professor) in 2013. In charge of PhD Doctorate school department "Energy and Processes" since January 2013, Honorary Professor at School of Engineering, University of Kwazulu-Natal Howard college campus since January 2016. He has been supervising more than 15 PhD students. His field of research covers the development of thermal and non-thermal plasma processes for energy and environmental issues. These researches are focusing on fossil and renewable hydrocarbon conversion including: cracking, assisted combustion, reforming, gasification, Gas To Liquid conversion, nanostructures production. Laurent FULCHERI is a specialist of CFD and MHD modeling in the service of thermochemical processing and plasma assisted reactive flows analysis. He has around sixty papers published in peer review journals and thirteen patents (seven of them with worldwide extension) and participated to a number of international conferences as invited speaker. He participated in many R&D EC projects as partner as well as coordinator.

