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Control of chaotic systems by deep reinforcement learning

Michele Alessandro Bucci , Onofrio Semeraro , Alexandre Allauzen , Guillaume Wisniewski , Laurent Cordier
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences, inPress, 475 (2231), pp.1-20. ⟨10.1098/rspa.2019.0351⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02406677v1

Control of a chaotic dynamical system with a Deep Reinforcement Learning approach

Michele Alessandro Bucci , Onofrio Semeraro , Alexandre Allauzen , Laurent Cordier , Guillaume Wisniewski
90th GAMM Annual Meeting, Feb 2019, Vienna, Austria
Communication dans un congrès hal-02411514v1

Apprentissage d’un modèle dynamique chaotique par un LSTM

Michele Alessandro Bucci , Alexandre Allauzen , Laurent Cordier , Lionel Mathelin , Onofrio Semeraro
Conférence sur l’Apprentissage automatique (CAp), Jul 2019, Toulouse, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02412444v1

Toward the prediction of chaotic systems for the Reinforcement Learning of turbulent flows

Michele Alessandro Bucci , Alex Gorodetsky , Onofrio Semeraro , Alexandre Allauzen , Sergio Chibbaro
International Workshop on Dynamical Methods in Data-based Exploration of Complex Systems, Max Planck Institute, Oct 2019, Dresden, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-04405377v1

Control-oriented model learning with a recurrent neural network

Michele Alessandro Bucci , Onofrio Semeraro , Alexandre Allauzen , Laurent Cordier , Guillaume Wisniewski
71st Annual APS/DFD Meeting, Nov 2018, Atlanta, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-02411907v1