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Julien Diaz



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On the finite element solution of helmholtz problems in anisotropic media

Hélène Barucq , Abderrahmane Bendali , Julien Diaz , Sébastien Tordeux
Journées Ondes Sud-Ouest (JOSO), Mar 2019, Le Barp, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02138982v1

A Trefftz method whose shape functions are constructed thanks to a high-order DG finite element method

Hélène Barucq , Abderrahmane Bendali , Julien Diaz , Sébastien Tordeux
WAVES 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, May 2017, Minnesota, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01691588v1

A non-dispersive discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of acoustic scattering in complex media.

Hélène Barucq , Abderrahmane Bendali , Julien Diaz , M'Barek Fares , Vanessa Mattesi
Fall 2015 - 170th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, Nov 2015, Jacksonville, United States. ⟨10.1121/1.4933581⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01691619v1

A discontinuous Galerkin method whose shape functions are constructed thanks to an integral equation formulation

Hélène Barucq , Abderrahmane Bendali , Julien Diaz , M'Barek Fares , Sébastien Tordeux
CG 2014 - Second Russian – French Workshop “Computational Geophysics”, Sep 2014, Berdsk, Russia
Communication dans un congrès hal-01691657v1
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Introduction to the mathematical analysis of the Helmholtz equation : Sommerfeld condition, limiting amplitude principle and limiting absorption principle

Hélène Barucq , Julien Diaz , Sébastien Tordeux
Summer School Jaca 2012, Sep 2012, Jaca, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-00927403v1