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Jean-Charles DUFOUR

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Jean-Charles Dufour is a public health physician, specialized in medical informatics. He is an Assistant Professsor and Hospital Practitioner (Timone, Marseille) in the UMR SESSTIM (Economic and Social Sciences of Health and Medical Information Processing) and in the hospital ward BioSTIC (BioStatistics and Information and Communication Technologies). He has participated in several research projects focusing on the use of health data and digital medicine. The common point of these projects is that they seek to provide new technological services, based on health data, useful for healthcare practices: EsPeR (Personalized Risk Estimation), PRESGUIDE (computerized prescribing decision support based on clinical practice guidelines), ASTEC (Aid for the automated selection of eligible clinical trials for a given patient), EU-ADR (Early detection of adverse drug events by integrating datamining methods operating on computerized patient records and knowledge bases), DRUGS-SAFE (Platform for Systematized Evaluation of Medicines in Population), MHT (MediHanTrace), JA-TEHDAS (Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space). It is also the principal investigator of the ApiAppS project. The objective is to identify and remove existing locks so that general practitioners can use a decision support system to prescribe mHealth applications adapted to the patient's profile. This system is interoperable with the patient's computerized medical record. In addition to the technical component, the ApiAppS project also includes a component of SHS studies to analyze the psychosocial context of this prescription and the use of mHealth (impact on the doctor-patient relationship; perceptions, expectations and appropriation of mobile technologies for health by patients and general partitionner). In terms of teaching: he teaches and is co-responsible of the EISIS (Expertise and Engineering of Health Information Systems) curriculum part of the online public health master's degree at the Aix-Marseille University.

