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Hadj Batatia

Identifiants chercheurs


I received my MSc and PhD in computer science in 1987 and 1992 from the [University of Toulouse]( I worked as Lecturer at the [University of Malaysia Sarawak]( from 1995 to 1997. I also worked as Senior Lecturer in Media Technology at the school of science and technology in the [University of Teesside]( (UK) from 1997 to 1999. I am assistant professor in Computer Science at [INPT]( , [University of Toulouse]( since 1999. I conduct my research within TCI team at the [IRIT Laboratory]( I am heading the computer science department of [CNAM Midi-Pyrenees]( Contact ------- INP - ENSEEIHT Toulouse 2, rue Charles Camichel B.P. 7122 31071 Toulouse Cedex 7 FRANCE Office: E130 Tel. +33534322168 email. hadj \[dot\] batatia \[at\] inp-toulouse \[dot\] fr

