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Goran Pavlovic



Goran Pavlovic **Scientific researcher in physics** . **Personal details and contact details** Date and place of birth 07.01.1979, Kragujevac, Serbia. Languages: Serbian, French, English, Portuguese. Cell phone:0604310797. **Diplomas and qualifications** Master physicist-general physics, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade (13thJuly 2007). Doctorate in physics-condensed matter physics, Department of Physics, University Blaise Pascal <a name="_Hlk13427091"></a>(17th November 2007). **Research outputs, research project participation, grants and academic elections** Two PRLs, two PRB Rapid communications and three PRBs published. Seven presentations at international conferences. Eight verifird pre-punlications reviws : five for J. Phys Cond. Matt, two for Semiconductor Science and Technology and one for Journal of Optics. Several international and national project participation (EU projects Spin effects for quantum optoelectronics and [Spin-Related Phenomena in Mesoscopic Transport](, Brazilian fellowship for project on polaritons in frame of Science without borders programme and Serbian project by Ministry of Science and education on nonlinear phenomena in novel materials). Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter for 2017. Selected for the postdoctoral fellow position with possibility of time unlimited renewals. **Informatics and tools** Wolfram Mathematica. MATLAB. Numerical computation, programming of differential equations and sparse matrices. [Microsoft Excel, Power point, W](, LATEX, Origin. **Research and teaching positions** Research trainee Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade 1st March 2007 to 1st November 2007 PhD student and doctoral researcher from 1st December 2007 to 1st December 2010 (LASMEA, University Blaise Pascal) Published 5 articles and doctorate *Intervenent exterieur* in introductory courses in physics (optics and physical mechanics) at Department of Physics, University Blaise Pascal First semester 2010 Postdoctoral researcher from 1st April 2011 to 1st April 2014 (International Institute of Physics, UFRN) Published 2 articles, wrote a project and independently completed two papers to be published Invited lecturer (nanophotonics) at Department of Physics, University of Iceland 1st October 2011 to 1st November 2011 Postdoctoral researcher from 1st June 2014 to 1st December 2014 (ITN, [Linköping universitet]( Training in organic electronics