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Gonzalo CANTALAPIEDRA-HIJAR, Ph.D. Research Ruminant Nutrionist
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  • 37762
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I am a research scientist at INRAE, the French national institute for research in agriculture, nutrition and environment, since 2012. I work on beef cattle nutrition and feed efficiency. My educational background includes a BSc in Veterinary Medicine (1997-2002; Spain and Belgium), a M.Sc and PhD on small ruminant nutrition (2005-2009; Spain) and a postdoctoral fellowship on dairy cattle nutrition and metabolism carried out in the Herbivore Research Unit at INRAE of Clermont-Ferrand-Theix (France; 2009-2012). My areas of expertise cover animal nitrogen metabolism in connection with animal feed efficiency, the evaluation of protein requirements in ruminants and the development of non-invasive methods to predict nitrogen partitioning and feed efficiency in growing ruminants. Lecturer for undergraduate students and supervisor/co-supervisor of PhD students and postdocs. More than 60 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters including the new updated INRA feeding system for ruminants. I belong to the editorial board of Journal of Agricultural Science (2016) and PCI in Animal (2020).

Domaines de recherche

Alimentation et Nutrition


Métabolisme Isotopes stables



Efficacité alimentaire et qualités des viandes bovines : une première étape vers une approche zootechnique intégrée

Marie-Pierre Ellies-Oury , Denys Durand , Anne Listrat , Dominique Gruffat , Gonzalo Cantalapiedra-Hijar
15. Journées Sciences du Muscle et Technologies des Viandes, Nov 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, France. ADIV, Viandes et Produits Carnés, 204 p., 2014, 15èmes Journées Sciences du Muscle et Technologies des Viandes
Poster de conférence hal-02741854v1