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georges linares

CV Georges Linares


Georges Linarès est enseignant-chercheur à l'Université d'Avignon depuis 1999 et professeur depuis 2011. Ses activités de recherche portent sur le traitement automatique de la parole, la recherche d'information multimédia, le traitement automatique du langage natureI. Il coordonne, avec Jonathan Grainger, l'axe *Neurocomputation and Language processing* du Labex BLRI. Il a dirigé, de 2010 à fin 2015, le laboratoire informatique d'Avignon. Il a ensuite été vice-président à la Recherche de l'Université d'Avignon jusqu'en décembre 2023. Il a été élu à la présidence d'Avignon Université en décembre 2023.
<a name="pres" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"></a> ### CV <a name="pres" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"></a>1994 : Bachelor of Mathematics (University of Toulon) 1995 : Master of Mathematics and Computer Science (University of Marseille-Luminy). 1998 : Phd in Computer Science, "Model Breaking detection in Impulsive environments". (P. Nocéra, H. Méloni). 1999 : Assistant professor, LIA, University of Avignon. 2009 : HDR, "Speech recognition and audio indexing", (Habilitation à diriger les recherches), University of Avignon 2011 : Full Professor, LIA, University of Avignon. --- <a name="resp" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"></a> ### Mandates &amp; responsabilities 12/2023 - : Président of Avignon University 2016- 2023: Vice président for Research, Avignon University 2010 : Head of the LIA (Computer Science Laboratory of Avignon's University). 2010 : Deputy director of the [CERI]( (Centre for Teaching and Research in Computer Sciences) 2011-2014 : Member of the managment council of the research federation [Agorantic]( track *Social and cultural Networks* 2012 : Member of the Scientific council of Avignon's University 2012 : Member of the Management council of the [Brain and Language Research Institute](, responsible of the track *NeuroComputation and language processing*. --- <a name="topics" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"></a> ### Research Topics <a name="topics" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"></a> - Speech Processing - Machine Learning for NLP - Audio-video indexing --- ### Projects - [GAFES (ANR 2014-2018) : Gallerie des Festivals, Web content analysis, the Web as cultural media, video Re-purposing ]( Partners: Centre Norbert Elias, Eurecom, Syllabs \[Project Leader\] - [CONTNOMINA (ANR Blanc 2013-2016) : Speech recognition system contextualisation ]( Partners: LIA, LORIA \[Leader for the LIA\] - [CONGAS (STREP EU 2012-2014) : COmplex Networks and GAmeS theory ]( Partners: LIA, INRIA, Delft (Nederland), Imperial College (UK), Univ. of Pisa (Italy), Technion (Israel) \[Participant\] - [RPM2 (ANR CONTINT 2008-2011) : Summarization of Multimedia documents ]( Partners: LIA, Wikio, Sinequa, Syllabs, Eurecom \[Leader for the LIA\] - [AVI-SON (ANR CONTINT 2008-2011) : Archiving and Indexing large video database by content extraction and analysis ]( Partners: LIA, IRCAD, Xtensive Technology \[Project leader\] - [EPAC (ANR MDCA 2006-2010) : spontaneous speech transcription ]( Partners: IRIT, LIUM,LI \[Participant\] - [Decoda (ANR CONTINT 2010-2012) : analysis of spoken dialogues from call centers ]( Partners: LIF, RATP, Sonear \[Participant\] - [ASH (ANR BLANC 2010-2012) : speech recognition system harnessing ]( Partners: LIA, LIUM, IRISA \[Leader for the LIA\] - [Sumacc (ANR CONTINT 2011-2013) : concept discovering, modelling and tracking in multimedia web collections]( Partners: LIA, Eurecom, Wikio, Syllabs \[Project leader\] - PERCOL (Defi ANR CONTINT 2011-2013) : Person identification on audiovisual streams Partners: LIF, LIA, Univ. Lille, Orange Lab \[Participant\]



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Remembering winter was coming

Xavier Bost , Serigne Gueye , Vincent Labatut , Martha Larson , Georges Linarès
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78 (24), pp.35373-35399. ⟨10.1007/s11042-019-07969-4⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02278188v2
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Extraction de réseaux dynamiques conversationnels par lissage narratif

Xavier Bost , Vincent Labatut , Serigne Gueye , Georges Linarès
7ème Conférence Modèles & Analyse de Réseaux : approches mathématiques et informatiques (MARAMI), Oct 2016, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01385215v1
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Narrative Smoothing: Dynamic Conversational Network for the Analysis of TV Series Plots

Xavier Bost , Vincent Labatut , Serigne Gueye , Georges Linares
2nd International Workshop on Dynamics in Networks (DyNo) / IEEE-ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Aug 2016, San Francisco, United States. pp.1111-1118, ⟨10.1109/ASONAM.2016.7752379⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01276708v6
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Extraction and Analysis of Dynamic Conversational Networks from TV Series

Xavier Bost , Vincent Labatut , Serigne Gueye , Georges Linarès
Mehmet Kaya; Jalal Kawash; Suheil Khoury; Min-Yuh Day. Social Network Based Big Data Analysis and Applications, Springer, pp.55-84, 2018, Lecture Notes in Social Networks, 978-3-319-78195-2. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-78196-9_3⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01543938v3