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Etienne Peillard

Maitre de Conférences à IMT Atlantique
Affiliations actuelles
  • 489780
  • 1067638
Identifiants chercheurs


I am Associate Professor at IMT Atlantique. I am a member of the Inuit team from the Lab-Sticc lab. In nov. 2020, I defended my PhD thesis, entitled “Toward a Characterization of Perceptual Biases in Mixed Reality: A Study of Factors Inducing Distance Misperception”, conducted in cooperation between Centrale Nantes, the Inria Hybrid team as well as the AAU Crenau, and supervised by Guillaume Moreau, Ferran Argelaguet and Jean-Marie Normand. Before this, I obtained an engineering degree at Centrale Nantes in 2017. My current research interests include human perception issues in Virtual and Augmented Reality, spatial perception in virtual and augmented environments, and more generally, the effect of perceptual biases in mixed environments.


Image document

Pyramid Escape: Design of Novel Passive Haptics Interactions for an Immersive and Modular Scenario

Hugo Brument , Rebecca Fribourg , Gerard Gallagher , Thomas M. Howard , Flavien Lécuyer
VR 2019 - 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2019, Osaka, Japan. pp.1409-1410, ⟨10.1109/VR.2019.8797848⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02284129v2