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Emilie Andrieu

Chargée de Recherche Écologie des Paysages
Affiliations actuelles
  • 1002164
Identifiants chercheurs


Domaines de recherche

Biodiversité et Ecologie



Bringing together local ecological knowledge, anthropology & landscape ecology to understand the impacts of socio-ecological changes on rural communities in South-western France

Anne Sourdril , Jean Wencélius , Émilie Andrieu , Luc Barbaro , Cécile Barnaud
23th International conference Society for Human Ecology: Navigating complexity, human-environmental solutions for a challenging future, Jul 2017, Lisbonne, Portugal
Communication dans un congrès hal-02463217v1
Image document

Bird stories to tell the social and environmental changes: a comparative approach in four countries

Chloe Guerbois , Emilie Andrieu , Eric Garine , Anne Sourdril , Jean Wencelius
Resilience 2017: Resilience frontiers for global sustainability, Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Communication dans un congrès hal-01607607v1

Observing “Weeds” to Understand Local Perceptions of Environmental Change in a Temperate Rural Area of Southwestern France

Anne A. Sourdril , Emilie Andrieu , Cécile Barnaud , Louise Clochey , Marc Deconchat
Sourdril Anne, Welch-Devine Meredith, Burke Brian J. Changing Climate, Changing Worlds - Local Knowledge and the Challenges of Social and Ecological Change, Ethnobiology, Springer International Publishing, pp.71-98, 2020, 978-3-030-37311-5. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-37312-2_5⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02611185v1