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Dominique Gibert

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Abrupt Changes of Hydrothermal Activity in a lava Dome Detected by Combined Seismic and Muon Monitoring

Dominique Gibert , Yves Le Gonidec , Marina Rosas-Carbajal , Jean de Bremond d'Ars , Bruno Carlus
American Geophysical Union 2018, Fall Meeting, Dec 2018, Washington, United States. , pp.NS23B-0701, 2018
Poster de conférence insu-01927663v1
Image document

Observation of the Dynamics of Hydrothermal Activity in La Soufrière of Guadeloupe Volcano with Joint Muography, Gravimetry, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Seismic and Temperature Monitoring

Dominique Gibert , Jean de Bremond d'Ars , B. Carlus , Sébastien Deroussi , Jean-Christophe Ianigro
László Oláh, Hiroyuki K. M,. Tanaka Dezső Varga. Muography: Exploring Earth's Subsurface with Elementary Particles, 270, American Geophysical Union - Wiley, Chapter 5, 55-73, 2022, Geophysical Monograph Series, 9781119723028. ⟨10.1002/9781119722748.ch5⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage insu-03575607v1