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Dan Xu



Publications: Books (1) 1988. *La reprise anaphorique du chinois* \[Anaphora in Chinese\] Paris : Langages Croisés. 130p. (2) 1996/2010. (second printing) *Initiation à la syntaxe chinoise* \[Introduction to Chinese Syntax\] Paris: l'Asiathèque. 254p. 2004\. *Hanyu jufa yinlun* (Translation of the Initiation à la syntaxe chinoise in Chinese by Zhang Zujian) Beijing: Beijing Yuyan Daxue. 2015\. Translation of the book in English by Craig Baker (book online). (3) 2000. *Ordre des mots et typologie linguistique* \[Word Order and Typology\] (Author and co-editor with A. Donabédian, Cahiers de Linguistique de l’INALCO). 231p. (4) 2006. *Typological change in Chinese Syntax*, Oxford University Press. 260p. 2014\. Reprint in China. (Contract signed by Oxford and World Publishing Corporation). (5) 2008. *Les Résultatifs du Chinois Contemporain- Dictionnaire Pratique* \[Dictionary of Resultative Verbs in Contemporary Chinese\] Paris: l’Asiathèque. 350p. (Author and coordinator) ``` <pre style="margin-left: 36.0pt; text-indent: -18.0pt; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: 35.45pt 91.6pt 137.4pt 183.2pt 229.0pt 274.8pt 320.6pt 366.4pt 412.2pt 458.0pt 503.8pt 549.6pt 595.4pt 641.2pt 687.0pt 732.8pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-no-proof: yes;">(6)<span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">   </span></span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-no-proof: yes;"> 2008. <em>Space in Languages of China–Cross-linguistic, synchronic and diachronic perspectives</em>. Dordrecht: Springer. 284p. (Author and editor)</span> ``` 2012\. Reprint in China. (Contract signed by Oxford and World Publishing Corporation). (7) 2010. *Liang yu fushu de yanjiu* \[Quantification and Plurality\] Beijing: Commercial Press. (Author and editor) 370p. (8) 2012. *Plurality and Classifiers across languages in China*. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Author and editor) 288p. (9) 2014. *Shixing yu yanjiu* \[Studies of the Shixing language\] Beijing: Minzu chubanshe. (Co-author. I am the author of the chapter on syntax and I have transcibed and translated three stories in Shixing). 391p. (10) 2014. *Tangwang hua yanjiu* \[Studies of the Tangwang language\] Beijing: Minzu chubanshe. 472p. (11) 2015 *New Studies of Space and Quantification in Languages of China*. Dordrecht: Springer. (Author and co-editor with Jingqi Fu). 251p. (12) (To appear in 2017) *Chuanshi wenxian yu chutu wenxian de lishi jufa yanjiu*. \[Studies on diachronic syntax based on transmitted and excavated texts\] Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan \[Commercial Press\]. 345p. (13) (To appear in 2017) *Yuyan jiechu yu yuyan bianyi*. \[Language contact and variations\] Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan \[Commercial Press\]. (Author and co-editor with Jingqi Fu). (14) (To appear in 2017) *Languages and genes in Northwestern China and adjacent regions*. Singapour: Springer Nature. (Author and co-editor with Hui Li). Articles published in refereed journals (1) 1987. “Ta non référentiel” \[Non-human referent ta in Pekinese\], *Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale*, 2, 259–276. (2) 1988. “Qian tan zhe/na de bu duicheng xing” \[Asymmetry in the use of zhe/na in Chinese\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 2, 128–130. (3) 1989. “Beijing kouyu zhong fei zhi ren de ta” (Ta \[-H\] in Pekinese), *Fangyan* \[Dialects\], 1, 7–8. (4) 1989. “Ye tan liansuo fuju” \[Again on liansuo fuju\], *Yuwen Jianshe* \[Language construction\], 1, 14–15. (5) 1989. “Guanyu yuesu lilun” \[About Binding Theory\], *Guowai Yuyanxue* \[Linguistics abroad\], 2, 66–72. (6) 1989. “Di san rencheng daici de tedian” \[Features of the third person pronoun\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 4, 281–284. (7) 1990. “Guanyu geiyushi de lishi fazhan” \[Evolution of dative constructions\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 3, 219–229. (8) 1990. “C-command gainian yu zhaoying guanxi” \['C-command' in anaphora\], *Guowai Yuyanxue* \[Linguistics abroad\], 3, 41–43. (9) 1990. “Postverbal Word Order in Chinese”, *Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale*, 1, 91–107. (10) 1990. “Pingjie 'Jieci wenti ji hanyu de jiejue fangfa' ” \[Book review, Le problème linguistique des prépositions et la solution chinoise, by Claude Hagège\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 6, 465–473. (11) 1992. “Beijinghua zhong de yufa biaoji ci 'gei' ” \[The marker gei in Pekinese\], Fangyan \[Dialects\], 1, 54–60. (12) 1992. “Hanyu zhong de zai yu zhe(zhuo)” \[The grammatical words zai, zhe(zhuo) in Mandarin\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 6, 453–461. (13) 1994. “Guanyu hanyu li 'dongci+x+didianci' de juxing” \[On the construction “V+x+Loc.” in Mandarin\], Zhongguo Yuwen \[Chinese languages\], 3, 180–185. (14) 1994. “On the reflexive ziji in Chinese”, *Yuyong yanjiu lunji* \[Collected essays on Discourse\], Beijing : Beijing Yuyan Xueyuan chubanshe, 96–112. (15) 1994. “Sur zai/dao/de postverbaux en Pékinois”, \[Postverbal zai/dao/de in Pekinese\], *Mélanges offerts à Alexis Rygaloff*, Paris : Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, CRLAO, 333–348. (16) 1994. “The Status of Marker gei in Mandarin Chinese”, *Journal of Chinese Linguistics*, 22–2, 363–394. (17) 1995. “Cong Beijing 'Vzhe' yu Xibei fangyan 'Vde' de pingxing xianxiang kan 'de' de laiyuan” \[Origin of de through the parallel between “Vzhe” in Pekinese and “Vde” in Northwest dialects\], *Fangyan* \[Dialects\], 4, 289–295. (18) 1999. “Distribution syntaxique des marqueurs de négation en chinois (mandarin)” \[Syntactic distribution of negative particles in Mandarin\], *Cahiers de linguistique de l'INALCO*, 1, 71–79. (19) 1999. “Dongci+xingrongci dongbu jiegou de yi xie tedian” \[Some characteristics of the structure “verb+adjective”\], *Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on the Grammar of Sinitic Languages*, Guangzhou : Jinan Daxue chubanshe, 34–45. (20) 1999. “Grammaticalisation de certains verbes ayant le sens \[+donner\]” \[Grammaticalization of verbs with the meaning \[+give\] \], *Cahiers de linguistique de l'INALCO*, 2, 131–145. (21) 2000. “Dongbu jiegou zhong de shang zi yu xia zi” \[Studies on resultative compounds\], *Yufa yanjiu he tansuo* \[Grammar study\], Beijing: Commercial Press, Vol. 10, 112–120. (22) 2000. “Ordre des mots et actance dans la diachronie du chinois” \[Word order and agency in diachronic Chinese\], *Cahiers de linguistique de l'INALCO*, 3, 111–126. (23) 2001. “Semantic Features of V2 in the Rise of Resultative Compounds (V1+V2)”, *Collected Essays in Ancient Chinese Grammar*, EHESS and CRLAO, 405–420. (24) 2001. “Cong dongbu jiegou de xingcheng kan yuyi dui jufa jiegou de yingxiang” \[Semantic impact on syntax : a case of the rise of resultative compounds\], *Yuwen Yanjiu* \[Language research\], 2, 5–12. (25) 2002. “Shanggu hanyu fu fuyin yu qianzhui” \[Distinction between cluster and prefix in Old Chinese\], *Kaipian*, Haowen, Japon, Vol. 21, 8–14. (26) 2003. “Hanyu shi zi ju de yanbian” \[Evolution of the causative in Chinese\], *Yufahua yu yufa yanjiu* \[Grammaticalization and grammar study\] (1), Beijing : Commercial Press. (27) 2004. “Xian Qin Han chu hanyu li dongci de zhixiang” \[Orientation of verbs in Pre-Qin Chinese\], *Yuyanxue Luncong*, Beijing: Commercial Press, 29, 197-208. (28) 2004. “About verb’s marking by the preposition yu”, *Journal of Chinese Linguistics*, 2, 282–307. (29) 2004. “Shanggu hanyu houqi fouding ci ‘wu’ daiti ‘wang’ ” \[Replacement of wang by wu in Late Old Chinese\], *Hanyushi Xuebao* \[Journal of Chinese history\], 5, 64–72. (30) 2005. “Mouxie juyou \[+geiyu\] yiyi dongci de yufahua” \[Grammaticalization of verbs with the meaning \[+give\]\], translation of the article published in French in 1999), *Yufahua yu yufa yanjiu* \[Grammaticalization and grammar study\] (2), Beijing: Commercial Press, 245–260. (31) 2005. “Quxiang dongci lai/qu yu yufahua” \[Grammaticalization of motion verbs ‘come’ and ‘go’\], Beijing: Peking University. *Guoxue yanjiu* \[Studies of Chinese ancient civilization\]. 14, 315–330. (32) 2005. “Tan ‘po’–hanyu mouxie dongci de leixing zhuanbian” \[Typological change of some verbs: the case of po ‘to break’\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 4, 333–340. (33) 2005. “Tan ‘de ziju” \[About the construction of de\], *Xiandai Zhongguoyu yanjiu* \[Studies of contemporary Chinese\], Japon, Tokyo, 7, 50–58. (34) 2006. “Mouxie chutu jianbo wenxian li suo jian de quxiang dongci lai he qu de yongfa” \[Motion verbs ‘come’ and ‘go’ attested in excavated texts\], *Jianbo yuyan wenzi yanjiu* \[Study on bamboo and silk language\], Chengdu : Bashu shushe, 2, 2–14. (35) 2007. “Yuyan leixing yanjiu yu hanyu jiaoxue”, \[Language typology and the Chinese language teaching\], *Yuyan jiaoxue yu* *yanjiu* \[Language teaching and research\]. 3, 43–47. (36) 2007. “Ye tan wu wu”, \[Again on two negative particles wu and wu\], *Yuyan kexue* \[Linguistic sciences\], 3, 42–49. (37) 2007. “Shiyi yishi : yufahua yu cihuihua” (shiyi and yishi : grammaticalization and lexicalization) *Yufahua yu yufa yanjiu* \[Grammaticalization and grammar study\] (3), Beijing : Commercial Press, 281–294. (38) 2007. “Cong Zhanguo zonghengjia shu kan gu hanyu di yi rencheng daici”, \[First person pronoun in the Zhanguo zonghengjia shu\], *Dongfang yuyan zazhi* \[Journal of Oriental languages\]. 3: 19–33. (39) 2008. “Asymmetry in the expression of space in Chinese –– the Chinese language meets typology” in Xu Dan (ed) *Space* *in Languages of China–Cross-linguistic*, synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer, 175-198. (40) 2008. “How Chinese structures space” in Xu Dan (ed.) *Space in Languages of China–Cross-linguistic, synchronic and* *diachronic perspectives*. Dordrecht: Springer, 1-14. (41) 2008. “Cong renzhi jiaodu kan hanyu de kongjianci” \[Expressions of space with cognitive perspective\], *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\], 6, 504–510. (42) 2009. “Xiayou Shixing yu de mouxie tedian” \[Some syntactic features of the Shixing in the lower reaches\], *Minzu yuwen* \[Non-Han languages\], 1, 25-42. (43) 2009. “Cong Zhanguo zonghengjia shu kan Xi Han chuqi fushu gainian de biaoda”, \[Expressions of plurality at the beginning of Western Han through the Zhanguo zonghengjia shu\], *Lishi yuyanxue yanjiu* \[Historical linguistics research\], Commercial Press. 2, 83–94 (44) 2009. with Fu Jingqi “SVO yuyan li de binyu qianzhi” \[Preverbal object in SVO languages\], *Minzu yuwen* \[Non-Han languages\], 3, 3-15. (45) 2010. with A. Peyraube “hanyu lishi jufa yu leixingxue” \[Diachronic grammar and typology\] *Lishi yuyanxue yanjiu* \[Historical linguistics research\], Commercial Press.2, 1-10. (46) 2010. with A. Peyraube “Xi Han chuqi de gaishu biaoda” \[Approximate numbers at the beginning of western Han\] *Lishi* *yuyanxue yanjiu* \[Historical linguistics research\]. 3, 114-122. (47) 2010. “Cong yuyan leixing kan hanyu fushu xingshi de fazhan” \[Development of plurality in Chinese from a typological perspective\]. In Xu Dan (ed.) *Liang yu fushu de yanjiu* \[Quantification and Plurality\] Beijing: Commercial Press. 94-116. (48) 2011. with Fu Jingqi “liangci jiqi leixingxue kaocha” \[Classifiers and some typological considerations\], *Yuyan kexue* \[Linguistic sciences\], 6, 1-14. 2012\. English version: Classifiers and some typological considerations. In *Breaking down the barriers:Interdisciplinary* *studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond*). Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica \[Language and Linguistics Monograph Series\]. 865-885. (49) 2011. “Tang Wang hua de ge biaoji” \[Case markers in the Tangwang language\] *Zhongguo Yuwen* \[Chinese languages\]. 2, 145-154. (50) 2011. “Guanyu Hezhouhua ji zhoubian diqu li fei zhiren mingci de fushu biaoji men”, \[On the plural marker \[-human\] men in Hezhou and its neighboring dialects\] *Minzu yuwen* \[Non-Han languages\], 6, 9-23. (51) 2012. with Wen Shaoqing and Xie Xiaodong “The Dongxiang Language and People” *Minzu yuwen* \[Non-Han languages\]. 3, 59-65. \[2013\] *Journal of Cambridge Studies* (English version), Vol 8, No 2, 40-48. (52) 2012. “Introduction: Plurality and Classifiers across languages of China” in Dan Xu (ed) *Plurality and Classifiers across* *languages in China*. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1-19. (53) 2012. “Reduplication in languages: A case study of languages of China” in Dan Xu (ed) *Plurality and Classifiers across* *languages in China*. Berlin: De Gruyter. 43-63. (54) 2013. “Cong Zhanguo Zonghengjia shu kan gu hanyu li de shishou tongci” \[Old Chinese active-passive homonyms in the Zhanguo zonghengjia shu\] in *Festshrift in Honor of Mucun Yingshu*. Tokyo: Baidishe. 73-85. (55) 2013. with Wen Shaoqing et Xie Xiaodong “Jiechu yu hunhe: cong Y ranseti de jiaodu kan Dongxiang renqun jiqi yuyan de guanxi” \[Contact and mixture: Using Y chromosomes to study the relationship between the Santa people and their language\] *Yichuan* \[Genetics\]. 35, 761-770. (56) 2013. “Tangwang hua de yuxu” \[Word order in Tangwang\] *Fangyan* \[Dialects\] 3, 206-214. (57) 2014. “Cong Zhanguo zhonghengjia shu kan Xi Han shiqi de chengshu biaoda” \[Numeral expressions at the beginning of western Han through the Zhanguo zonghengjia shu\] in *Festshrift in Honor of Mei Tsu-lin*. 466-481. (58) 2014. “Gan-Qing yidai de binge biaoji jiqi leixingxue shang de yiyi” \[The accusative mark in Gan-Qing linguistic area and its typological significance\]. *Jicheng yu tuoxin-Hanyuyan wenzixue* \[Inheritance and innovation: Chinese languages and philology\]. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 495-516. (59) 2015 “Yanjiu yuyan de xin shijiao” \[New perspective in linguistic studies\] *Contemporary Lingustics*. 2, 215-226. (60) 2015. “The role of geography in the Northwest China linguistic area” In D. Xu and JQ. Fu (eds) *New Studies of Space and* *Quantification in Languages of China*. Dordrecht: Springer. 57-73. (61) 2015 “Tangwang Initials” In Cao et al. (eds.) *Languages in contact in Northwestern China*. Paris: Monograph series of the EHESS-CRLAO. 319-338. (62) 2015 “Sinitic languages of Northwest China: Where did their case marking come from?” In Cao et al. (eds.) *Languages in* *contact in Northwestern China*. Paris: Monograph series of the EHESS-CRLAO. 217-244. (63) 2015. “Cong jieci kan Xibei diqu de yuyan jiechu” \[Language contacts through loan words in Northwest China\]. *Minzu* *yuwen* \[Non-Han languages\], 2, 23-35. (64) 2016. “Zhanguo Zonghengjia shu li suo jian de kongjian ci jiqi biaoda” \[Space expressions seen in the Zhanguo zonghengjia shu\] In *Guhanyu yufa yanjiu xinlun* \[New research in Ancient Chinese grammar\] Chengdu: Bashu shushe. 1-11. (65) 2016. “Gu hanyu li de zongxiang shijian biaoda” \[Vertical time expressions in Ancient Chinese\]. *Yuyan kexue* \[Linguistic sciences\] 1, 1-10. (66) 2016. “Gansu Yongdeng Xuejiawan shaoju diaocha” \[Investigations on the Xuajiawan language, Yongdeng district, Gansu\] *Minzu yuwen* \[Non-Han languages\] 2, 23-38. (67) To appear in 2017. with Wen Shaoqing, Yao Hongbing “Gansu Yongdeng Xuejiawanren de shaoju-jiantan Xuejiawanren de laiyuan” \[The Xuejiawan language and people\] . In Xu Dan and Fu Jingqi (eds.) *Yuyan jiechu yu yuyan bianyi*. \[Language contact and variations\] Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan \[Commercial Press\]. (68) To appear in 2017. Xu Dan and Wen Shaoqing Formation of a “Mixed <a name="OLE_LINK2"></a><a name="OLE_LINK1"></a>Language” in Northwest China-The Case of Tangwang” In Xu Dan and Li Hui (eds.) *Languages and genes in Northwestern China and adjacent regions*. Singapour: Springer Nature.


Image document

Reciprocity of propagation in optical fiber links demonstrated to 10−21

Dan Xu , Pacôme Delva , Olivier Lopez , Anne Amy-Klein , Paul-Eric Pottie
Optics Express, 2019, 27, ⟨10.1364/oe.27.036965⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03086092v1


Dan Xu
民族语文 Mínzú Yǔwén [Minority Languages of China], 2018, 6, pp.3-21
Article dans une revue hal-02088305v1

Intrauterine programming mechanism for hypercholesterolemia in prenatal caffeine‐exposed female adult rat offspring

Dan Xu , Hanwen Luo , Wen Hu , Shuwei Hu , Chao Yuan
FASEB Journal, 2018, 32 (10), pp.5563-5576. ⟨10.1096/fj.201701557R⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02969394v1
Image document


Dan Xu , Alain Peyraube
hanyu xuebao, 2018
Article dans une revue hal-01888034v1


Dan Xu
语言战略研究 Study on language stradegy, 2018
Article dans une revue hal-01887974v1
Image document

Some considerations on the tone in Chinese

Dan Xu
南开语言学刊, 2017, 2
Article dans une revue hal-01890765v1
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Dan Xu
Minzu yuwen, 2016
Article dans une revue hal-01386254v1
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Dan Xu
yuyan kekue, 2016
Article dans une revue hal-01386252v1
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Dan Xu
Minzu yuwen, 2015
Article dans une revue hal-01386251v1
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Dan Xu
Minzu yuwen, 2011
Article dans une revue hal-01386243v1
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Dan Xu
中国语文 Zhōngguó Yǔwén [Studies of the Chinese Language], 2011, 2
Article dans une revue hal-01476241v1

About the preposition yu in Old Chinese

Dan Xu
Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 2004, 32 (2), pp.282-307
Article dans une revue hal-01476961v1

The Status of Marker gei in Mandarin Chinese

Dan Xu
Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 1994, 22 (2), pp.363-394
Article dans une revue hal-01476957v1
Image document

The Silk Road: language and population admixture and replacement

Dan Xu , Shaoqing Wen
Dan Xu, Hui Li. Languages and Genes in Northwestern China and Adjacent Regions, Springer Verlag, pp.55-78, 2017, 978-981-10-4169-3. ⟨10.1007/978-981-10-4169-3_4⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01935687v1
Image document

Formation of a “Mixed Language” in Northwest China-The Case of Tangwang

Dan Xu , Shaoqing Wen
Dan Xu, Hui Li. Languages and Genes in Northwestern China and Adjacent Regions, Springer International Publishing, pp.87-105, 2017, ⟨10.1007/978-981-10-4169-3_6⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01935686v1
Image document

About "Mixed Languages"

Dan Xu
The Tangwang Language - An Interdisciplinary Case Study in Northwest China, Springer, 2017, 978-3-319-59228-2. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-59229-9_6⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01935685v1
Image document

Sinitic languages of Northwest China: Where did their case marking come from?*

Dan Xu
Cao, Djamouri and Peyraube. Languages in contact in Northwestern China, 2015
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01386250v1
Image document

The Role of Geography in the Northwest China Linguistic Area

Dan Xu
Dan Xu adn Jingqi Fu. New Studies of Space and Quantification in Languages of China, 2015
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01386246v1
Image document

Reduplication in languages: A case study of languages of China

Dan Xu
Dan Xu. Plurality and Classifiers across languages in China, 2012
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01386244v1
Image document

Classifiers and some typological considerations

Dan Xu , Fu Jingqi
Guangshun Cao, Hilary Chappell, Redouane Djamouri and Thekla Wiebusch. Breaking down the barriers: Interdisciplinary studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica pp.865-885, 2012
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01476967v1