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Cristel Portes



**Career** Associate professor at Dept of Language sciences, Université d’Aix-Marseille (since October 2005) Mercator Fellow at IMS, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (August 2015-July 2016) Study Engineer CNRS, LPL, UMR 7309, Aix-en-Provence (September 2004-September 2005), ATER at Dept of Language sciences, Université d’Aix-Marseille (September 2002- August 2004) **Education** Ph. D. in Linguistics/Phonetics and Phonology, Université d’Aix-Marseille, LPL, UMR 7309, Aix-en-Provence (2001-2004) Title: Prosodie et économie du discours : spécificité phonétique, écologie discursive et portée pragmatique de l’intonation d’implication. **Responsabilities** At the Linguistic Department • Co-head of the Master Degree in *Language Sciences* of Aix-Marseille University and responsible for the specialty *Linguistics* in this master (since 2017). • Head of the specialty *Research in Linguistics* of the Master Degree in Language Sciences of University of Provence (2008-2012). • Students referent of the Bachelor degree in *Language Sciences*, University of Provence (2010-2012) • Founding member of the Bachelor degree in *Sciences and Humanities* at Aix-Marseille University, and manager of one of the 5 modules of the degree *Nature and Culture* (coordination of a team of 20 teachers). At Laboratoire Parole et Langage • Co-head of research group 3 *Language interactions* (17 members; (2006-2010) • Member of the Laboratory Council (since 2017) • Co-head of research group on Prosody (15 members; 2020: **Research activities** Coordinator of the French part of the Franco-German PHC-PROCOPE: Prosody and Information Structure in German and French: variation and convergence (2017-2018). Coordinator of Défi Genre (CNRS grant) : La voix troublée : approche du genre vocal par son opacité dans la voix des femmes atteintes d'un œdème de Reinke (2011) Coordinator for Prosody: ANR MINDPROGEST: Mind in meaning construction: Reference markers, prosody and gesture (2011-2014) Coordinator of LPL team of ANR RHAPSODIE : Corpus prosodique de référence en français parlé (2008-2012) Member of the ANR NoBiPho: Human voice and speech production and perception as a locus of gender (de)categorization: Shifting towards an emergent non-binary gender paradigm (2018-2021) Member of the A\*Midex Project SIRL: Social Interaction in the Representation of Language ( Member of the ANR RAPP: Representation and Planification of Prosody (2015-2018) Member of the ANR PhonIACog: Phonology of the Initial Accent and Cognition (2013-2015) Member of the ANR CoFee: Conversational Feedback (2012-2015) Member of the ANR Pro-Gram: Prosody in Grammar: The interfaces with Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in the Grammar of French (2007-2010) **Teaching** **- Licence Sciences du langage (Language Sciences)** <> Domaines des sciences du langage (Domains of Language Sciences) Sémantique Lexicale (Lexical Semantics) Pragmatique et énonciation (Pragmatics) Linguistique expérimentale 1 (Experimental Linguistics) **- Master de Sciences du langage, spécialité Thelitex** <> Structure informationnelle et dialogue (Information Structure and Dialogue) **- Licence Sciences et Humanités** <> Coordination of the transversal course ‘Nature et culture’ (6 semesters, coordination of around 20 teachers). Nature et Culture 1: L'animal parlant (the Talking Animal). Logique Langage Calcul 6 : le sens en linguistique (Meaning in Linguistics) **- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)** Le langage entre nature et culture (Language between Nature and Culture) <> **- Aix Summerschool on Prososy** Experimental studies for prosody and meaning <> **PhD Supervision** Nayla Matar Genre et voix en arabe libanais, le cas des femmes avec un oedème de Reinke (Gender and Voice in Lebanon Arabic, the Case of Women with Reinke’s Edema) **Master Degree Supervision** Romeo Astorino, Cathy Massinon **Reviewer** **- Journal Reviewer** Glossa, Journal of Phonetics, Journal of the International Phonetics Association, Journal of Pragmatics, LINGUA, Language and Speech, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, California Linguistics Notes, Aile…lia, Corpora and Language in Use, Sciences croisées **- Conference Scientific/Organizing Committees** Prosody and Meaning 2018 (main organizer) Workshop on Prosody and Meaning: Information Structure and Beyond (Aix-en-Provence, 8 November 2018) Aix Summerschool on Prosody (Aix-en-Provence, 6-9/09/2016) Interface Discours/Prosodie (IDP13). Louvain : Belgique, 11-13 septembre 2013 Interface Discours/Prosodie (IDP09). Paris, 9-11 septembre 2009 Interface Discours/Prosodie (IDP07), Colloque Charles Bally. Genève 12-14 septembre 2007 Journées d’étude sur la parole : JEP 2008 et 2010 Speech Prosody 2010-2021 **- Grant Reviewer** Research Council KU Leuven (Belgium) Research In Paris (France)

