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Clémentine Bosch-Bouju

Dr. Clémentine Bosch-Bouju Assistant Professor (Maître des conférences) Bordeaux INP - Ensmac NutriNeuro, UMR 1286 INRAE, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP
Identifiants chercheurs


I am a neuroscientist expert in neurophysiology. I have dense knowledge and experience in studying synapse and network dysfunctions in the neurodegenerative Parkinson’s disease. I acquired expertise for *ex vivo* electrophysiology patch-clamp during my PhD and for *in vivo* electrophysiology with optogenetics during my postdoctoral fellows. I joined NutriNeuro lab in 2014 where I specialised in the impact of nutrition on brain function. I am lecturing in food biochemistry and physiology at Bordeaux INP since 2016, which allowed me to enlarge my network with researchers in the field of polymer chemistry and bioelectronics. I have been leading 2 research projects since 2018, one investigating the role of vitamin A in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and the other one developping a new neurotechnology for the remote release of bioactive molecules in the brain.

Domaines de recherche

Neurobiologie Alimentation et Nutrition

