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Christophe Hurter

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Presentation: Christophe Hurter is professor at the Interactive computing laboratory (LII) of the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC) in Toulouse, France. In 2014, I got myHDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherche) and in 2010 my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toulouse. I am also associate researcher at the research center for the French military Air Force (CReA), Salon de Provence, France. My research interests cover information visualization (InfoVis) and human-computer interaction (HCI), particularly the visualization of multivariate data in space and time. I also investigate the design of scalable visual interfaces and the development of pixel based rendering techniques. Throughout my career I have been involved with several projects including: large data exploration tools, graph simplification (edge bundling), paper based interaction... <>



Additions are biased by operands: evidence from repeated versus different operands

Pom Charras , Rébaï Soret , Christophe Hurter , Vsevolod Peysakhovich , André Tricot
Psychological Research, 2014, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 78 (2), pp.248-265. ⟨10.1007/s00426-013-0491-y⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03519392v1