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Christine balague



**Christine BALAGUE** Professor, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School LITEM (Laboratoy of Innovation, Technology, Economy & Management) Chair holder Good in Tech PhD Management Mob: +33 6 27 71 39 86 Email : Twitter: @balague LinkedIn profile: ***Current and recent positions*** 2014-2021 : Professor, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, the business school of Institut Mines-Telecom, number one group of engineering and management graduate schools in France ( Chair holder Good in Tech ( Member of Cap Digital board Member of CSA expert group on online misinformation Member of Defense Ethics Committee Member of Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) commission of impact of recommendations Former member of Dataia Institute (Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Society) steering committee 2015-2018: Member of the Cerna (Ethics Committee on Digital Research of Allistène) 2013-2015: Vice President of the Digital National Council ( ***Education*** HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), Université Paris X Nanterre (2013) Ph D Management, HEC Paris, France (2005) DEA marketing and strategy. Paris-Dauphine University (2000) Master Econometrics and Statistics ENSAE (1993) Master in Management (ESSEC Business school, 1987) ***Distinctions*** Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite (2010) HEC Foundation Doctoral Thesis Prize (2006) EDAMBA (European Doctoral Program Associations in Management and Business Administration) Fourth Prize Thesis Competition ***Research topics*** Ethics and responsibility in AI Modelling consumer’s behavior in digital and AI environments (websites, social networks, IoT environments) ***Teaching topics*** Ethics challenges of Artificial Intelligence Social media IoT and business Digital society and technologies ***Research projects coordination, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School :*** **Chair Good in Tech, 2019-2022** Founder and responsible of the chair Good in Tech research program on a three years pluridisiplinary research program focusing on Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Responsible diital innovation. This Chaire gathers two institutions : Institut Mines-Télécom and Sciences Po, and is supported by six international ompanies : AG2R, Afnor, CGI, Danone, Fabernovel, Sycomore. **Chair Social Networks and IoT, 2016-2019** Founder and responsible of the chair Social Networks and IoT, research program on three years focusing on modelling consumers’ and patients’ behaviors in IoT or social networks environments. The Chair was financially supported by Huawei (one year), Seb group and Medtronic. Budget : 580 Keuros **Chair Social Network, 2013-2015** Founder and responsible of the Chair Social Networks, research program on three years focusing on diffusion of information on social networks, and modelling social networks users’ motivations and behaviors. This chair was leaded by Institut Mines-Télécom Business School (ex Telecom School of Management) in partnership with Telecom Sud Paris, Telecom Paris and Telecom Bretagne, engineering graduate schools all belonging to Institut Mines-Telecom. Budget : 900 Keuros **Research projects management (total budget > 2,5 millions of euros):** Management of the following four collaborative research projects. The first one was selected and funded by PSPC french program. The second and third projects were selected and funded after the Call for Projects Big Data of the French Government Program for Future Investments. The fourth project was selected and funded by FUI program. \- EAD (2019-2021): evaluation of mobile applications for diabetic adolescent patients \- CNES (2020): telemedecine impact on health professionals \- Open Food System (2013-2015) : research project leaded by Seb group on digital transformation of Food and Health sector, gathering 20 industrial and academic partners. \- Sodatech (2014-2016) : big data project on CRM 2.0 including a platform to monitor social networks. 3 partners : IMT-BS, 1000Mercis, ENS Cachan \- Innovagora (2014-2016) : big data project on the developement of a Crowd-Innovation platform 6 partners : IMT-BS, Citroen, Alfstore, Temis, Edifixio et Tilloli. \- Curated Media (2014- 2017): Platform of qualification of massive data from the web. 6 Partners : IMT-BS, Linkfluence, Intercloud, CEA list, Tigerlily, youmag. ***Member of scientific committee*** Member of the scientific committee of Management and Data Science Journal 2015-2018: Member of the Cerna (Ethics Committee on Digital Research of Allistène) 2017 and 2018 : Member of the scientific committee of the University of E-Health Member of the Program Committee of Digital Intelligence conference (DI2014) Member of the board of examiners of the pluridisciplinary research program of Sorbonne Paris Cité University (USPC) on « Corps, Réseaux, Identités Numériques » (CRI) ***HDR supervisor :*** HDR supervisor of Margherita Pagani HDR defended in nov 2016, the 18th ***Current and recent thesis supervisor :*** \- Hassam Haidar: "Societal impact of artificial intelligence algorithms" \- Jean-Marie John Mathews : « Interpretability of recommendation systems algorithms » \- Zeling Zhong : « Appropriation of IoT products and services ». The defense is scheduled in nov 2019. Won the ANDESE European thesis prize. \- Mehdi Elmoukhliss : « la coopétition dans les plateformes de crowd innovation », defended in June 2018, the 5th \- Marie-Haikel « Motivations à partager du contenu sur les réseaux sociaux », defended in May 2014, 13th \- Florian Paillasson: « Modélisation de la diffusion d'information dans les réseaux sociaux », defended in dec 2013, the 11th ***Member of other thesis and HDR defense jurys :*** -Linda Hamdi Kidar, 2020 dec 8th, HDR defense, Uniersity Toulouse Capitole : "le consommateur comme source d'innovation: vers une meilleure compréhension d'un rôle en mutation". \- Elodie Attié, 2019 dec 5th, University Toulouse Capitole, TSM Research (UMR 5303 CNRS) : « The connected consumer : A Theoretical framework of consumer adoption/consequences of the Internet of Things and smart connected objects » -Ramsi Soleman , 2018 april 18th, University Paris X Nanterre: “ La théorie des ressources et l’évaluation du système d’information: le cas des outils de surveillance des medias sociaux (Social media Monitoring)” -Audrey Portes, 2018 march 30th, University of Montpellier: “ « La transparence numérique : rôle du client et conséquences sur la relation à la marque » -Naasri Messarra , 2015 dec 8th, University of Montpellier : “ Stratégie du marketing viral sur Facebook” -Quang Vinh Tran , 2015 nov 30th, University Paris X Nanterre“ La crédibilité des recommandations électroniques, étude sur l’achat de livre en ligne” -Bruno Teboul , 2015 sept 21th, University Paris IX Dauphine “Le développement du neuromarketing aux Etats-Unis et en France: acteurs-réseaux, traces et controverses” -Eric Sotto, 2014 sept 2nd, CNAM: « Les nouvelles formes de participation dans les forums publics de consommateurs. Vers un dispositif de co-innovation » -Eric Barquissau, 2013, dec 17th, University Paris X Nanterre : « Evaluation de la qualité de la relation client en ligne par les utilisateurs d’espaces-clients de site web ; une application dans le secteur bancaire et le secteur de la téléphonie mobile » -Zhenzhen Zhao, 2012 may the 2nd, Télécom Sudparis: “User Generated Service - User-Centered Design in Web Mashups and Online Social Networks” ***Vice-president of the Digital National Council between 2013 and 2016*** Member of the Digital National Council are appointed by the President of the French Republic. The council elaborates recommendations for the french government on digital big challenges for economy and society. Main reports published between 2013 and 2016 : E-health, net neutrality, digital inclusion, e-education, platforms neutrality, digital ambition for France.



From reality to world. A critical perspective on AI fairness

Jean-Marie John-Mathews , Dominique Cardon , Christine Balagué
Journal of Business Ethics, 2022, Special Issue on Business Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, 178 (4), pp.945-959. ⟨10.1007/s10551-022-05055-8⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03549730v1

How Big Data modifies tools for responsible AI?

Jean-Marie John Matthews , Dominique Cardon , Christine Balagué
ICIS 2019 : International Conference on Information Systems, Dec 2019, Munich, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-02486736v1