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Catherine Bastien



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A systems biology approach for identifying candidate genes involved in the natural variability of biomass yield and chemical properties in black poplar

Vincent Segura , Marie-Claude Lesage Descauses , Jean-Paul Charpentier , Kévin Kinkel , Claire Mandin
IUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics, May 2016, Arcachon, France. , 2016, IUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics. Book of Abstract
Poster de conférence hal-01456004v1
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A case study in marker‐assisted breeding for disease resistance

Helene Muranty , Véronique Jorge , Arnaud Dowkiw , Vanina Guérin , Patricia Faivre-Rampant
Final Conference Noveltree project "Tree Breeding, Genomics and Evolutionary Biology", Oct 2012, Helsinki, Finland. , 2012, Final Conference Noveltree "Tree Breeding, Genomics and Evolutionary Biology : new synergies to tackle the impact of climate change in the 21st century"
Poster de conférence hal-01268642v1
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Les gènes supports de l’hérédité et mémoire de l’évolution

Véronique Jorge , Catherine Bastien , Olivier Bertel , Vanina Guérin , Leopoldo Sanchez Rodriguez
Fête de la Science, Nov 2009, Orléans, France. 2009
Poster de conférence hal-02818609v1