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Carole Fritz

CV Carole Fritz (2020)
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  • 498346
  • 218275
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His research is part of the general theoretical framework of the study of symbolic thought in Homo sapiens sapiens, more particularly in the vast field of reflection that is Paleolithic art (mobile and parietal). The objective is to understand the modalities of the establishment of symbolic representations, from the earliest Aurignacian period, and to study their continuity throughout the Upper Paleolithic. Through the study of artistic techniques and the reconstitution of individual and group behavior around the creative act, it attempts to understand the close links that existed between the artist, his work and the group, but also between the different groups that occupied these same geographical and cultural spaces. She is particularly interested in Human/non-Human relations in the construction of Paleolithic art. She considers these first graphic expressions as the first myths of humanity.

Domaines de recherche

Archéologie et Préhistoire



Image document

De 20 000 à 18 000 BP en Quercy : apports de la séquence du Cuzoul de Vers à la compréhension de l'évolution des comportements socio-économiques entre Solutréen récent et Badegoulien

Sylvain Ducasse , Caroline Renard , Guy Astruc , Aline Averbouh , Laurent Bruxelles
Jean Clottes, Jean-Pierre Giraud et Pierre Chalard. Solutréen et Badegoulien au Cuzoul de Vers. Des chasseurs de Renne en Quercy, ERAUL 131, pp.459-471, 2012
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00799191v1