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Camille Jeunet



Camille Jeunet obtained a M.Sc (2013) as well as a PhD (2016) degree in cognitive sciences, both from the University of Bordeaux. Her PhD was awarded by the European Label and by 3 PhD awards, from IFRATH-Kaelis (best PhD in assistive technologies), from the IEEE SMC society (best PhD in Human-Computer Interaction) and from the University of Bordeaux (special prize of the international committee). In 2017-2018, she was hired for a post-doc at EPFL (Geneva, Switzerland) and Inria (Rennes, France). Since October 2018, she has been a Research Scientist at CNRS (the french National Center for Scientific Research) in the CLLE Lab, Toulouse, France. She leads an interdisciplinary research bringing together computer science, psychology and neurosciences in order to better understand the processes underlying human learning in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), and improve BCI user-training. She is particularly interested in using these technologies to improve motor skills in athletes and in patients who suffered from a stroke. Since 2017, she has been part of the board of the BCI french association, called CORTICO. She is notably in charge of organising, each year, the meeting of this association as well as a conference for the young researchers of the domain.


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Identifying profiles of patients to personalise BCI-based procedures for motor rehabilitation after stroke

Elise Grevet , Margaux Izac , Léa Pillette , Franck Amadieu , D. Gasq
CORTICO 2023 - Annual meeting de COllectif pour la Recherche Transdisciplinaire sur les Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur, CORTICO, May 2023, Paris, France. pp.1-1
Communication dans un congrès hal-04288958v1
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An online tool to facilitate the assessment of BCI acceptability

Léa Pillette , Elise Grevet , Claire Dussard , Franck Amadieu , David Gasq
BCI 2023 - 10th International BCI Meeting Balancing Innovation and Translation, Jun 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium. pp.1-1
Communication dans un congrès hal-04289425v1
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A large-scale study on the general public to assess and model the acceptability of BCIs dedicated to motor rehabilitation after stroke

Elise Grevet , Killyam Forge , Sébastien Tadiello , Margaux Izac , Franck Amadieu
10th International BCI Meeting, Jun 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Poster de conférence hal-04144986v1
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Improving the acceptability to enhance the efficiency of stroke rehabilitation procedures based on brain-computer interfaces

Elise Grevet , Franck Amadieu , Jacques Py , D. Gasq , Camille Jeunet
CORTICO 2022 - COllectif pour la Recherche Transdisciplinaire sur les Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur "Invasive and non invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces - A handshake over the cliff", Mar 2022, Autrans-Méaudre en Vercors, France.
Poster de conférence hal-03614065v2