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Bruno Lacarrière

Bruno Lacarrière Professeur IMT Atlantique Laboratoire GEPEA UMR CNRS 6144
Identifiants chercheurs


My research activity aims at exploring the different solutions to model the energy systems complexity, taking into account different scales (from energy conversion technologies to interconnected energy distribution networks), different operational objectives (sizing, control), and the diversity of temporal dynamics. Developed modeling tools combined physics-based models and Machine Learning. The optimization strategies explore and combine different solutions going from exact mathematical solutions to meta-heuristics. The works done are strongly connected to the constraints of practical implementation of proposed solutions as most of the research is done in collaboration with stakeholders of the territorial energy planification (local authorities, energy companies, energy networks operators…). Last, these works include the analysis of data quality impact on modeling and optimization developments thanks to the uncertainty and sensitivity analyses

Domaines de recherche

Génie des procédés


Energy systems Multi-energy system (District Heating and Electricity Grid coupling) Modeling (Physics based, Machine learning, Hybrid modeling) Optimization (exact mathematical models, (meta)heuristics, nested optimization Data uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

