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Benjamin Grelier

Affiliations actuelles
  • 527641


University degrees: ------------------- Doctoral degree in Geography of University of Lorraine (France) and in Sciences and Technologie of University of Liège (Belgium). Master degree in Geography of University of Lorraine (France), in the field of Water resources - Management and Planning. Engineering degree in International Agro-Development of ISTOM (France). Research: --------- My doctoral works set up at the interface of areas of climatology, hydrology and hydraulic. The objective of my PhD thesis was to carry up a climate change impact study on hydrological hazards (low and high flows) in the transnational Meuse basin (France, Belgium). It was co-directed by [Gilles DROGUE]( of the LOTERR laboratory (Univ. Lorraine) and [Michel PIROTTON]( of the HECE laboratory (Univ. Liège). Following my objectives, research axes are as following: \- statistical study of links between meso-scale atmospheric circulation and surface hydrological/climatological variables; \- statistical regionalization of IPCC/CMIP-5 outputs and reconstitution of historical series; \- rainfall-runoff empirical global modelling and frequency analysis; \- use of hydraulic modelling for river-overflow analysis (Discharge-duration-Frequency analysis). Current research projects involvements/interests: \- Meuse model intercomparison study: transnational (NL, B, D, L, F) volontary effort on comparing hydrological models and symposiums on the Meuse basin. \- RECRET: Reconstitution of historical high and low flows in the french Moselle basin (leader: LOTERR, Univ. Lorraine), Other professional experiences: ------------------------------- I recently conducted a monitoring & evaluation study as part of an agriculture development program in Malawi (2 catchment areas), aiming at assessing the rate of adoption by beneficiary farmers, of agricultural practices promoted by the project. As a result, recommendations are proposed according to the agricultural and projects contexts (4 months - 2019). My Master 2 works consisted in carrying on a hydromorphological diagnosis on two small rivers in the north of Alsace (France) and propose a plan of renaturation measures (6 months - 2014). For my final engineering study works, I carried on a diagnosis on soil degradation in a small catchment mainly used for vetiver and subsitence crops in Haïti, based on a coupled physical and agro-socio-economic approach, and proposed a set of agro-environmental measures for ravine and fields planning (5.5 months - 2012). Teaching: --------- I was in charge of a 64 h/year teaching commitment (2015/2016, 2016/2017) during my PhD contract. Teaching fields: \- basis notions and concepts in physical geography: géology and biogeography (Bachelor 1), \- tutorials in urban heat island (Bachelor 1), \- tutorials in flood risk study and management (Bachelor 1), \- tutorials in basic computer and desktop tools (Bachelor 1), \- tutorials in hydrologic analysis programming, Scilab (Master 2). Responsabilities: courses and teaching preparation, short field trip accompagnying and management, student assessment preparation and marking, participation to semestrial department jury. Skills and tools ---------------- \- statistical methods and analysis: multivariate regressions, classification, frequency analyisis, \- modelling: regionalisation, hydrological modelling (GR4J), use of hydraulic modelling (WOLD 1D), \- computing programmation: formatting, processing and data analysis and graphic representation (Matlab, Scilab, R), \- GIS: database, spatial processing, cartography (Qgis), \- Field survey & interviews: structured and semi-structured interviews, questionnaire elaboration, construction of a linked entering collected data-database program (LibreOffice Base), \- desktop: LibreOffice, MSOffice, LaTeX, \- computer environment: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), \- oral presentation, scientific/popularization and report writing, \- study team management & supervision. Languages \- french: mother tong, \- english: operationnal (understanding, speaking, writing), \- spanish: basis (understanding, speaking, writing).

