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Ata Martin LAWSON

Maître de conférences (HDR), URCOM
Affiliations actuelles
  • 519590
  • 559184
Identifiants chercheurs


![](https://) Ata Martin LAWSON was born in Tsévié (Togo) in 1974. He studied at Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble, France, graduating in 2002. He worked on aurone analogs’ synthesis as potent P-gp (P-glycoprotein) inhibitors in DPM Laboratory with Pr. Ahcene Boumendjel. He also worked on flavonoid synthesis in the same laboratory. In October 2002, he moved to the University of Limoges as PhD student where he has been interested in the extraction of rotenoids and, the chemistry of natural polyphenols of the Fabaceae family. After becoming a doctor by defending his PhD in 2006, he moved to the University of Reims as an Assistant Professor in the Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory of Pr. Janos Sapi. He stayed there for two years before acquiring a permanent position as an Associate Professor at Le Havre University in 2009. He then joined the team of Pr. Adam DAÏCH at URCOM laboratory. His current research interests include natural product chemistry (phytochemistry) as well as the synthesis of novel heterocycles using chromone derivatives as starting materials following The DOS (Diversity Oriented Synthesis) strategy and finally the development of hybrid molecules synthesis with diverse biological activities. #### <span style='color:#ba492f'>1. L'axe de recherche : Axe 1. Chimie durable et Santé.</span> #### <span style='color:#ba492f'>2. Thèmes de recherche </span> #### <span style='color:#ba492f'>3. Mots-clés</span> synthèse hétérocyclique, réaction domino, chromone, extraction, modification chimique #### <span style='color:#ba492f'>4. Production Scientifique</span> * Publications : 48 * Chapitres de livre : 0 * Conférences invitées : 15

Domaines de recherche

Chimie organique Chimie thérapeutique


Synthèse organique Réactions domino Extraction et modification de produits naturels Synthèse de molécules hybrides Activité anticancer, antibactérienne, antibiofilm et antifongique

