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Antoine Bernard De Raymond

Antoine BERNARD DE RAYMOND - Sociologist, Researcher (INRAE) Contact: antoine[dot]deraymond[at]inrae[dot]fr


RESEARCH ======== I study food systems and the long-term transformations of the relations between agriculture and food. My work articulates economic sociology, sociology of risks, and the study of social movements. I addressed topics such as the market for fruit and vegetable, conflicts around GMO's, and field crop farming, global food security governance, adn the Yellow Vests movement. I shed light on issues of transportation, seasonality, contemporary forms of protest, the transformations of family farming. My research now focuses on social inequalities, food poverty and sustainable diets in countries of the Global North. CURRENT POSITION ================ Director of Research at INRAE (Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement), Bordeaux Sciences Economiques, Université de Bordeaux GRANTS AND RESEARCH PROJECTS COORDINATION ========================================= 2024 - 2027 - A-MAP - Measuring, Analyzing and Governing Food Poverty in France 2021-2023 - CoviSol - Food Insecurity and Solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic (Nouvelle Aquitaine Region Research Grant) 2021 - Food and Environment - Research Community Building Grant (University of Bordeaux) 2017 - 2020 - SysRisk - Sytemic Risk, Uncertainties and Food Security policies (Métaprogramme INRA-Cirad GloFoodS Grant) 2013 - 2018 - SAGE - Food Security: The Globalization of a Public Issue (National Research Agency Grant) 2009 - 2011 - Field crop faming and agrarian and social structures (INRA, Economic and Social Sciences Department Research Grant)

