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Anne Zaparucha

Affiliations actuelles
  • 21582
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Domaines de recherche

Chimie Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]



Diverse Amine dehydrogenases for the biocatalytic synthesis of amines

Carine Vergne-Vaxelaire , Eddy Elisée , Laurine Ducrot , Ombeline Mayol , Raphael Meheust
ENZYNOV'2, Oct 2023, Paris-Romainville, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04327765v1

Expanding the portfolio of enzymes for biocatalysis by extensive biodiversity screening

Carine Vergne-Vaxelaire , Eddy Elisée , Laurine Ducrot , Raphael Meheust , Mark Stam
6e Symposium International de l'AFERP, Jul 2023, Orsay - Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04327790v1

Expanding the portfolio of native Amine Dehydrogenases by extensive biodiversity screening

Carine Vergne-Vaxelaire , Eddy Elisée , Laurine Ducrot , Raphael Meheust , Mark Stam
BioTrans 2023, Jun 2023, La Rochelle, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04327737v1

Metagenomic expansion and active site analysis of the Amine Dehydrogenase family

Elisée Eddy , Laurine Ducrot , Raphaël Méheust , Mark Stam , Pelletier Eric
International Congress on Biocatalysis 2022, Aug 2022, Hamburg, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-04360123v1

Expanding the portfolio of native Amine Dehydrogenases by extensive biodiversity screening

Carine Vergne-Vaxelaire , Eddy Elisée , Laurine Ducrot , Raphael Meheust , Mark Stam
Amine BioCat 5.0, Nov 2022, Groningen, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès hal-04328280v1

An overview of the native amine dehydrogenase family : discovery, structural and genomic exploration, protein engineering and biocatalytic applications

Carine Vergne-Vaxelaire , Laurine Ducrot , Megan Bennett , Eddy Elisée , Karine Bastard
28e colloque du Club de Biocatalyse en Synthèse Organique, Arkema; Proteus; CBSO, Sep 2021, Lège Cap-Ferret, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04328296v1

MODAMDH: identification of diverse Amine Dehydrogenases by screening biodiversity using sequence and structure-based approaches

Elisée Eddy , Laurine Ducrot , Raphaël Méheust , Karine Bastard , Aurélie Fossey-Jouenne
29th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) - 20th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), Jul 2021, Virtual conference, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-04359840v1

MODAMDH: identification of diverse Amine Dehydrogenases by screening biodiversity using innovative in silico approaches

Eddy Elisée , Raphael Meheust , Laurine Ducrot , Mark Stam , Eric Pelletier
International Symposium on High-Throughput Catalyst Design, Jun 2021, Lille (Virtual), France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04328578v1

Metagenomic mining for Amine Dehydrogenase discovery

Carine Vergne-Vaxelaire , Adam Caparco , Eric Pelletier , Jean-Louis Petit , Aurélie Fossey-Jouenne
Amine Biocatalysis 4.0, Feb 2020, Stuttgart, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-04327878v1