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Alexandre Dolgui

Professeur Alexandre Dolgui, FIISE, HDR, Dr, Ing.
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  • IdHAL alexandre-dolgui
  • ResearcherId : K-1688-2013
  • ORCID 0000-0003-0527-4716
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  • IdRef : 060796138
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Dr. Alexandre Dolgui is a Fellow of IISE, Distinguished Professor (Full Professor of Exceptional Class in France), and the Head of Automation, Production and Computer Sciences Department at the IMT Atlantique, campus in Nantes, France. His research focuses on manufacturing line design, production planning and supply chain optimization. His main results are based on the exact mathematical programming methods and their intelligent coupling with heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms. He is the co-author of **5** books, the co-editor of **32** books or conference proceedings, the author of **320** refereed papers in international journals, **32** editorials and **32** book chapters as well as over **400** papers in conference proceedings. He is the *Editor-in-Chief* of the International Journal of Production Research, an *Area Editor* of Computers & Industrial Engineering, and an *Associate Editor* of Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, past Associate Editor of International Journal of Systems Science (2005-2008), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2006-2009) and Omega-the International Journal of Management Science (2009-2012), consulting Editor of the International Journal of Systems Science (2009- ). He is *Member of the Editorial Boards* for **27** other journals, including the International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management, International Journal of Simulation & Process Modelling, International Journal of Engineering Management & Economics, Journal of Decision Systems, Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Algorithms,Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management & Production Engineering Review, Decision Making in Manufacturing and Service, Risk and Decision Analysis, etc. *Fellow of the European Academy for Industrial Management*, *Member of the Board of the International Foundation for Production Research*, former *Chair of IFAC TC 5.2 Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control*, *Member of IFIP WG 5.7* *Advances in Production Management Systems*, *IEEE System Council Analytics and Risk Technical Committee,* *IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Social and Economic Security,* Guest editor of special issues of European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Omega – The International Journal of Management Science, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms, and Annual Reviews in Control, etc.; he was General Scientific Chair of the 12th IFAC symposium INCOM'06 and the 10th IFAC conference MIM'2022, Chairman of International Program Committee of SCM’02, MOSIM’04, INCOM'09, INCOM'12, IESM'13, MIM'13, INCOM'15, MIM'19, and APMS'2021, Chairman of Organizing Committee of the International Conference MOSIM’01 and ROADEF'2011; last ten years, he was Member of Program Committees of over **200** International Conferences, etc. He has been responsible of the French national CNRS working group on Design of Production Systems (with about **336** individual members) and the regional project on Design and Management of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems.He has been team leader in 5 European Projects and Coordinator of 1 European Project. Many direct funding projects with industry as well as via the French National Agency for Scientific Research (ANR) and regional research agencies in France.

Domaines de recherche

Informatique [cs] Automatique Recherche opérationnelle [math.OC]


Assembly line balancing Assembly and machining line design Buffer allocation Planning and scheduling Combinatorial optimisation Robust optimisation Mixed integer programming Stochastic programming Production research Optimisation



Minimizing number of stations and station activation costs for a production line with parallel tasks

Alexandre Dolgui , Sergey Kovalev , Xavier Delorme , Ammar Oulamara
The 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Jul 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-01313348v1

Minimizing station activation costs in a multi-model transfer line with parallel operations at workstations

Sergey Kovalev , Xavier Delorme , Alexandre Dolgui , Ammar Oulamara
26th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO XXVI), May 2013, Paris, France. p. 108
Communication dans un congrès emse-00904013v1