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Alessandro Garcea

Professeur de Littérature latine et Histoire des textes
Affiliations actuelles
  • 413221
  • 56663
  • 423106
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Professeur de Littérature latine et histoire des textes Directeur adjoint de l’[Institut de Latin]( à Sorbonne Université Directeur adjoint de de l’[École doctorale I (022) Mondes antiques et médiévaux]( Animateur de l’[Initiative SU Sciences de l’Antiquité (ISAntiq)]( Membre de l’équipe [Rome et ses renaissances (EA 4081)]( Membre de la [Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM)]( Membre correspondant de l'[Accademia delle Scienze]( de Turin Membre honoraire de l’[Institut Universitaire de France]( ### **Coordonnées** Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Lettres UFR Latin 1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 Paris \+ 33 (0) 1 43 18 41 70 ### **Spécialités** - Histoire des théories linguistiques à Rome - Grammaire, rhétorique et philosophie à Rome - César, Cicéron, Varron, Aulu-Gelle, grammairiens latins ### **CV et publications** - [Liste complète des publications dans HAL-SHS Archives ouvertes]( - Site [Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum (CGL)]( - [Carnet de recherche CGL Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum]( - [Carnet de recherche Grammatici disiecti]( - [Carnet de recherche Littérature Latine et Histoire des Textes]( - [Encadrement doctoral (]( - [Google Scholar citations]( ### Multimédia (youtube etc.) - XIII Giornata Ghisleriana di Filologia classica (2022) : [L'integrazione dei grecismi in latino all'inizio dell'età imperiale: Plinio il Vecchio e Quintiliano]( - [Inaugurazione del 239° Anno Accademico (2021-2022) dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino]( - [Qu'est ce que l'Initiative Sciences de l'Antiquité ?]( - Actualités Sorbonne Université : [Recherche pluridisciplinaire en Sciences de l'Antiquité]( - Café des sciences 2020 : De l’observation à l’enseignement, pourquoi s’intéresser aux langues anciennes ? ([1re partie]( ([2e partie](
**EDUCATION** * 2008 Qualification: Full Professor - Language sciences (CNU section 07), Ancient languages and literatures (sect. 08) and Philosophy (sect. 17), National Council of Universities (CNU), France. 2007 Habilitation (HDR, highest degree required for supervision of PhD students in France) - Latin studies (dir. C. Lévy), Institute of Latin, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, France. * 2003 Qualification: ‘Maître de Conférences’ (MCF, Assistant Professor) - Ancient languages and literatures (CNU sect. 08), France. * 2002 PhD (with honours) - Greek, Latin and Byzantine philology and literature (dir. G. Garbarino), Institute of Classical Philology, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy. * 1998 Master (summa cum laude, publication recommended) - History of Latin language (dir. V. Lomanto), Institute of Classical Philolgy, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy. **PREVIOUS POSITIONS** * 2009 – 2013 Full Professor - Latin linguistics, Division of Humanities, Languages and Arts, Université de Lyon 2, France. * 2003 – 2009 Assistant Professor - Latin language and literature, Division of Humanities, Philosophy, Music, Université de Toulouse 2, France. **FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS** * 2011 – 2016 Junior Member - Institut Universitaire de France, France (75,000€ research funds and a reduction of 2/3 of the statutory teaching duties, granted to about 2% of French academics). **MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES** * 2021 – now Correspondent Member - Turin Academy of Sciences (founded in 1757), Italy. * 2016 – now Honorary Member - Institut Universitaire de France, France. * 2008 – now Scientific Member - International Society of Friends of Cicero. **INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES** * 2021 – now Scientific Board Member - Doctoral school ‘Classical antiquities and their posterity’, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy. * 2019 – now Director - ‘Sciences de l’Antiquité’ initiative, SU, France. * 2019 – now Co-Director (with C. Roche-Hawley) - School of Ancient languages (courses on about 30 different languages in the ancient worlds), SU, France. * 2018 – now Member - Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation (REPRISE), Italy. * 2018 – now Co-Director - Doctoral school ‘Ancient and medieval worlds’, SU, France. * 2018 – now Co-Director - Institute of Latin, SU, France. * 2017 – now Scientific Board Member - Doctoral school ‘Literary and Historical Sciences in the Digital Age’, Università di Cassino, Italy. * 2017 – now Member - Faculty Committee, SU, France. * 2013 – now Member - Department Committee, SU, France. **TEACHING ACTIVITIES** * 2022 – now Academic Board Member - Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Archeology and ancient Mediterranean cultures, Italy (Institute of higher doctoral training, founded in 2018). * 2013 – now Latin literature and History of texts, History of Latin language (Archaic and Vulgar Latin), Classical Latin authors (BA and MA, including a research seminar open to PhD students, 192 hours per year), SU, France. * 2009 – 2013 Latin linguistics and literature (BA and MA, 192 hours per year), Université de Lyon 2, France. * 2003 – 2009 Latin language and literature (BA and MA, 192 hours per year), Université de Toulouse 2, France. **Contact**: Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Lettres UFR Latin 1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 Paris + 33 (0) 1 43 18 41 70

Domaines de recherche

Etudes classiques Linguistique Littératures Philosophie

