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Sorina POP

Identifiants chercheurs


1. Education ------------ - 2010 - 2013: PhD, Computer Science, INSA de Lyon, France. Thesis subject: Exploiting heterogeneous distributed systems for Monte-Carlo simulations in the medical field. Supervisors: H.Benoit-Cattin and T. Glatard. - 2007 - 2008: Master of Science, Systems and Images, INSA de Lyon, France. Thesis subject: Optimisation of the distributed execution of a medical application on the Grid. Supervisor: D. Sarrut - 2004 - 2007: Engineering degree, Telecommunications, INSA de Lyon, France. 2. Professional experience -------------------------- - 2007 - present: CNRS research engineer at CREATIS laboratory, Lyon, France. - 2010 - 2013: PhD Student, INSA de Lyon, France. 3. Research interests --------------------- - Grid and Cloud computing - Modeling and simulation of distributed application workflows and services - Reproducibility of scientific results - Interoperability among computing and storage platforms - Data management

